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zaterdag 4 augustus 2018

VS importbeperkingen niet alleen dom maar ook uiterst hypocriet

Lees het volgende uitstekende artikel van Mike 'Mish' Shedlock, eerder geplaatst op Mish Talk, de site van Shedlock, een artikel over de handelsoorlog die Trump heeft ontketend met China, volgens Shedlock niet alleen een dom 'beleid', maar ook uiterst hypocriet en contraproductief.

US Trade Policy: Not Only are We Stupid, We are Hypocrites

by Mike Mish Shedlock 1 day-edited (August 2, 2018)

The news agencies reported Trump would extend tariffs on Wednesday. Instead, we have an outline of possible actions.

The Wall Street Journal reports U.S. Turns Up the Heat on China.
The U.S. turned up the heat Wednesday on China, with the Trump administration threatening to more than double proposed tariffs on imports while Congress passed a defense bill designed to restrict Beijing’s economic and military activity.
The moves come as Beijing and Washington have failed to ease an escalating trade dispute, prompting the administration to seek additional leverage. The administration, which has already affixed tariffs on billions of dollars in Chinese imports, said it would consider more than doubling proposed tariffs on a further $200 billion worth of Chinese goods to 25%, up from an original 10%.
Meantime, the Senate approved a defense-policy bill that both tightens U.S. national-security reviews of Chinese corporate deals and revamps export controls over which U.S. technologies can be sent abroad. The bill, which also restricts Beijing in areas ranging from cultural activity to military exercises, passed the House a week earlier and President Trump is expected to sign it into law.
Administration officials are confident they have the upper hand in the trade fight because the U.S. economy is strengthening while the Chinese economy shows signs of growing slack. Moreover, China is more dependent on trade than the U.S.
But that confidence so far hasn’t translated into action.
President Trump has threatened to apply tariffs to all $505 billion in Chinese goods entering the U.S. if the two are unable to reach a settlement. Washington has already applied tariffs to $34 billion worth of Chinese imports, with another set of duties on $16 billion in goods scheduled in the days ahead.
The U.S. threatened Wednesday to make the next round of tariffs more punitive. In a Monday White House meeting, Mr. Trump dismissed the original administration plan for a 10% tariff on $200 billion in imports—the next step in Mr. Trump’s escalation—and had his team bump up the levy to 25%.
Another Tariff Backfiring Moment
The administration didn’t spell out a particular rationale for increasing the tariff. People familiar with White House discussions say the reasons include anger over the Chinese government’s failure to approve the merger of U.S.-based Qualcomm Inc. and Dutch chip maker NXP Semiconductors , which forced the companies to scrap a deal aimed at boosting Qualcomm’s reach into new markets.
Both sides lose. That's exactly what happens in trade wars.
More Losses Coming
The proposed tariff increase poses big risks for both the U.S. and global economy. A 25% tariff would boost the cost of a range of U.S. imports at a time when inflation has begun to pick up. It would become another factor for the Federal Reserve to consider as it decides how quickly to raise interest rates.
This gets you nothing,” said Fred Bergsten, founder of the Peterson Institute for International Economics, a Washington, D.C., free-trade think tank. “It adds to inflation pressure and interest rates and [would] strengthen the dollar, which makes trade situation even worse” for the U.S., he said.
It gets less than nothing. Inflation will be temporary, and it will be followed by a deflationary collapse in trade.
Three Ways China Can Retaliate
  1. Let the Yuan slide 25% negating the tariffs.
  2. Further limit US firms ability to do deals in China
  3. Halt Rare Earth Exports. Rare earths are 17 minerals used to make cell phones, hybrid cars, weapons, flat-screen TVs, magnets, mercury-vapor lights, and camera lenses.
Option one has capital flight risks for China of course. But US tariffs pose numerous risks to the US and global economy as well.
Option two is a given.
Option three is rarely discussed, but China has at least 80% of the global market.
China's Rate Earth Monopoly
In August of 2017, The Diplomat commented on The Ongoing Efforts to Challenge China’s Monopoly.
Back in 2010, “rare earth elements” became a hot topic in the national security and foreign policy fields, mainly because of the political, economic, and security turmoil that followed China’s defacto embargo of those elements. In September of that year, China (the major supplier of rare earth elements) suddenly reduced its export quotas by 40 percent — not long after the collision of a Chinese fishing ship and a Japanese Coast Guard vessel in the East China Sea. Due to the export restriction, Japan found it difficult to fill its domestic rare earth demands, and as a result the world market price of the elements skyrocketed.
Eventually, when the WTO ruled against China’s export restriction in 2014, and the market price went back to the original (or even lower) level, media coverage on rare earths declined dramatically. Are the risks in the rare earth supply chain really gone? Probably not.
Called “the vitamins of modern society,” rare earth elements play a critical role in our daily life — in both the economic and security domains. These elements are key components of a vast array of products, including smart phones, computers, light bulbs, electric cars, wind turbines, satellites, cruise missiles, and stealth aircrafts. Some elements, like neodymium and dysprosium, are highly demanded for the production of permanent magnets, which are used for sensors and motors of these products. The most noteworthy fact is that the more we go green and technology-oriented, the more important these elements become to our society.
Today, China enjoys a monopoly in the rare earths market. It is estimated that in 2016, more than 80 percent of rare earth elements produced in the world were excavated in China. The country is also believed to hold more than 30 percent of the planet’s remaining rare earth element reserves. While many stopped paying attention to rare earths after the dispute settlement at the WTO, the market has been preparing for more potential turmoil.
It is costly to find alternatives to low-priced Chinese rare earths, whether those alternatives are opening and reopening mines, inventing new recycling process, or developing substitutes. Nonetheless, in the current situation, where China not only has major control over global supply but has also begun stockpiling in preparation for future market demand, continuing efforts to diversify the supply chain portfolio are critical for the United States and its allies — from both economic and security perspectives. It is not sustainable to rely on Chinese rare earths, although they look very cost-effective in a very short term. Now is the time to revisit the powerful dynamics of rare earth elements and to establish a strategy to win the soon-to-be-more-competitive battle of the market.
Not That Rare? So What?
The Verge contradicts its own headline in the body.
The whole process is “expensive, difficult, and dangerous,” says former rare earth trader and freelance journalist Tim Worstall. He tells The Verge that, because of this, the West has been more or less happy to cede production of rare earths to China. From the 1960s to the ‘80s, the US did actually supply the world with these elements; all extracted from a single mine in California named Mountain Pass. But in the ‘90s, China entered the market and drove down prices, making Mountain Pass unprofitable and leading to its closure in 2002.
Worstall says there are many reasons production moved overseas. Some of these are familiar: cheap labor costs and a willingness to overlook environmental damage, for example. But there’s also the fact that rare earth production in China is often a byproduct of other mining operations. “The biggest plant there is actually an iron ore mine which extracts rare earths on the side,” says Worstall. This means that, unlike the Mountain Pass mine, producers aren’t reliant on a single product. “If you are trying to only produce rare earths, then you’re subject to the swings and roundabouts of the market.”
In a paper describing the Minamitori find published in Nature Scientific Reports, the Japanese suggest a hydrocycle could use centrifugal forces to quickly separate out a lot of the unnecessary materials in the sea mud. But this method is unproven.
Nobody has ever done it before, and no-one has proved it can work at an industrial scale,” says Professor Frances Wall of the Exeter University’s Camborne School of Mines. Wall tells The Verge that the Japanese team are doing “some nice work,” but says a huge amount of research has yet to be done before the seabed becomes a reliable source of these important elements. “There have been literally hundreds of exploration projects [that have found rare earth metals] and they’ve not been able to go forward through production because they can’t prove they’ll make any money,” says Wall.
Where's the Mine?
Rare earths may not be that rare but how long does it takes to start a mine and produce what you need?
It was a WTO ruling that eventually led to the price collapse, some four years later! And if Trump has no use for the WTO, maybe China will decide the same thing.
Alleged Steel Glut
Let's step back for a moment and look at what started this trade war: An alleged steel glut. China supposedly was dumping steel below cost.
Complaining about "dumping" is idiotic. If someone is providing goods cheaper than you or they can make them, you are getting one hell of a good deal! Period. End of story. If it hurts steel manufacturers, then it benefits thousands of other companies that use steel.
And tariffs pick winners and losers, mostly losers, all but the steel industry in fact. To argue about this is absurd.

When someone Tweeted about a steel glut today, I responded:

Oceans of Gluts
If there is a "steel glut" then there is a "soybean glut". There are tens of thousands of gluts. Literally every export can be deemed a glut.
And again, if China is indeed subsidizing steel, then we should be eternally grateful. Instead, Trump spits in their face.

By the way, the US subsidizes Boeing and the entire defense industry by fighting needless, counterproductive wars. And what about the sugar lobby? Ethanol?
So not only are we stupid, we are hypocrites.
Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Voor meer berichten over deze handelsoorlog, klik op het label met die aanduiding, direct onder dit bericht.

woensdag 21 maart 2018

Op 20 maart 2003 startte Bush de bloedige illegale oorlog tegen Irak, waar de NSA een grote rol in speelde....... Ook daarom nee tegen de sleepwet!

Gisteren was het 15 jaar geleden dat de psychopathisch gewelddadige dombo George W. Bush een illegale oorlog tegen Irak begon, een oorlog die in feite nog steeds voortduurt..... Ook daarom is Irak allesbehalve veilig, zoals ons ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken durft te beweren...........

Deze oorlog heeft intussen aan meer dan 1,5 miljoen Irakezen het leven gekost en nog steeds vallen er doden als gevolg van die grootschalige terreurdaad van de VS (met hulp van een aantal westerse landen waaronder Nederland....).......

In de volgende video van Brasscheck TV wordt de NSA aangeduid als mede verantwoordelijke, die naast o.a Bush en Cheney op de achtergrond een grote rol speelde. 

De NSA heeft in 2003 de 6 landen* die in de VN tegen de inval van de VS in Irak waren, onder druk proberen te zetten, door te zoeken naar zaken waarmee men deze landen kon chanteren. Katharina Gun, een vertaler van het Britse geheime dienst agentschap Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), heeft deze zaak in 2003 gelekt naar de media......

Een en ander heeft ook te maken met de wil van de NSA om alle digitale data te verzamelen en iedereen tot onderwerp van onderzoek te kunnen maken. Groot voorstander daarvan is de democratische senator voor Californië, 'sneaky' Dianne Feinstein, terwijl ze wordt betaald door een groot deel van de bedrijven die deel uitmaken van het militair-industrieel complex (zoals Boeing)..... Dit complex houdt zich ook bezig met de afbraak van de privacy middels het verzamelen van data, computer inbraak bij verdachten en het tappen van telefoons. Deze verzameling van data is dan ook tot een hele industrie verworden........

Zie de volgende video (10 minuten), een gesprek van presentator Ed Schultz met George Zornick, een deskundige op deze gebieden. Hij stelt dan ook dat de geheime diensten niet meer bevoegdheden nodig hebben om hun werk goed te kunnen doen. Daar is dan ook weinig fantasie voor nodig, gezien het feit dat daders van aanslagen telkens weer bekend bleken te zijn bij de verschillende geheime diensten in de landen waar deze aanslagen plaats vonden, sterker nog: men volgde deze figuren zelfs..... 

Vandaar ook nogmaals: stem vandaag ajb tegen de sleepwet, waarmee niet alleen het laatste restje van ons recht op privacy wordt afgebroken, maar tevens de democratie (onze-) een grote klap wordt toegebracht!

Hier de tekst op Brasscheck TV bij de video en de video zelf:

Yesterday was the day the US invaded Iraq 15 years ago.

Trillions wasted, thousands of Americans killed and wounded, millions of Iraqis killed, injured and impoverished.

Guess who was responsible?

Cheney and Bush for sure and one shadowy group that never got exposed
- until now.

The NSA Lied Us Into Iraq



How did this “little” point get lost in the NSA story?

The NSA’s JOB is to spy on the communications of our enemies, not to listen to and record your phone calls.

Here’s a case where they not only got it massively wrong, it also looks like they remained silent while their “evidence” was used to drive the US into a ruinous war.

Did they present false information to the Bush criminals or did they merely sit back and do nothing when that evidence was grossly misrepresented.

It hardly matters, does it. Massively wrong in either case.

* Kleinere landen, dus buiten China en Rusland.

woensdag 30 augustus 2017

Hennis-Plasschaert (VVD) 'bestelde' atoombommen nieuwe stijl voor Volkel, 'fijn dat het Nederlandse volk hierin werd gekend.....'

Hennis-Plasschaert heeft de nieuwste nucleaire bom van de VS 'besteld' en de VS heeft besloten 20 van deze massavernietigingswapens op Volkel te stationeren............ Het al voor het demissionair waardeloos zijnde kabinet Rutte 2, kan geen geld uittrekken voor leerkrachten, maar wel toestemming geven aan de VS nieuwe massavernietigingswapens* op Volkel te stationeren........ Dit in een tijd, waarin de VS met haar NAVO aan de lijn, de wereldvrede keer op keer op het spel zetten...... 

Terwijl de wereld hysterisch is over het 'Noord-Koreaanse kernwapenprogramma', is de VS bezig met het testen van hun nieuwste nucleaire massavernietigingswapen........ Hoe zot wil je het hebben en dat door een 'land' dat al eens atoombommen tegen burgers heeft gebruikt.......... 

Met andere woorden: als de VS een oorlog tegen Rusland begint, of weet uit te lokken, is Volkel één van de eerste Russische doelen......... De kans dat dit gebeurt is levensgroot zoals je wellicht weet uit de berichtgeving en de (recente) geschiedenis, waar de VS er geen probleem mee heeft, de ene na de andere illegale oorlog te beginnen...... Sterker nog de VS en de NAVO zijn al bezig met een scenario te bedenken voor 'een beperkte nucleaire oorlog in Europa............'

Ach ja, je moet maar denken: als er een kernoorlog uitbreekt, zijn er daarna nog maar heel weinig docenten nodig, althans als kinderen zo'n oorlog overleven en zoals u begrijpt zullen dat alleen kinderen van welgestelde ouders, dan wel van politici en hoge ambtenaren zijn......... 

Lees het volgende uitstekende artikel van Tyler Durden (Zero Hedge), zoals dit op Anti-Media werd gepubliceerd:

US Conducts Successful Field Test of New Nuclear Bomb

August 29, 2017 at 10:16 am
Written by Tyler Durden

(ZHE) — In mid-April, we reported that just as tensions over North Korea’s nuclear program and potential US airstrikes run wild, the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) said that in conjunction with the US Air Force, it had completed the first qualification flight test of B61-12 gravity nuclear bomb on March 14 at the Tonopah Test Range in Nevada.”

Four months later, and just as concerns over North Korea’s provocative launches have send shockwaves across global markets – again – the US National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) announced another successful flight test of B61-12 gravity nuclear bombs in Nevada. The second qualification flight test for the nuclear bomb was carried out by the NNSA and the US Air Force.

 & @usairforce complete second qualification flight test of B61-12 to validate design & system performance. 
According to the NNSA press release, two B61-12 gravity bombs (without a nuclear warhead) were dropped from F-15 fighter jets on August 8 at Tonopah Test Range in Nevada, and were designed to test the “non-nuclear functions and the aircraft’s capability to deliver the weapon.” These tests are part of a series over the next three years to qualify the B61-12 for service. As we noted at the time, the first qualification flight test occurred in March.

The B61-12 life extension program is progressing on schedule to meet national security requirements,” said Phil Calbos, acting NNSA deputy administrator for Defense Programs. “These realistic flight qualification tests validate the design of the B61-12 when it comes to system performance.”

According to the editor-in-chief of National Defense magazine, Igor Korotchenko, the second test of the nuclear bomb could indicate that Washington is speeding up its rearmament program. “The fact of the test of this modification of the nuclear bomb indicates that the US continues an accelerated rearmament program of its tactical nuclear arsenal in Europe, as well as that both Washington and Brussels are considering the scenario of a limited nuclear war in Europe,” he said.

Furthermore, as RT reminds us, the test comes two months after Politico reported that US senators were pushing legislation to compel President Donald Trump to take steps to develop new missiles which would be “the first steps to jettisoning what is known as the INF treaty.” Moscow said that such a move would be “ridiculous” and would damage America itself as well as its European allies.  In July, Republican Senator Tom Cotton, a member of the House Armed Services Committee, suggested bypassing the milestone treaty that bans the testing, production and possession of land-based intermediate-range missiles by both Moscow and Washington. He urged the White House to “facilitate the transfer of cruise missile technology to our (American) allies,” explaining that “only the US and Russia have signed this treaty. No other country did.”

After the announcement of the plans to upgrade the B61 nuclear weapon, Russia expressed its concerns that the move could destabilize global security. “This means that the armaments threshold could in theory have been lowered, which of course will destabilize the situation to a certain extent,”said the deputy head of Russia’s Foreign Ministry, Sergey Ryabkov, in August 2016.  The program, started under President Obama means that over the next 30 years Washington could spend up to $1 trillion to modernize the US nuclear arsenal. Shortly after his election, president Trump called for the US to “greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability,” though he criticized the Obama administration’s costly modernization program during the election campaign.

The latest test was the second in a series that will be conducted over the next three years to qualify the B61-12 for service. Three successful development flight tests were conducted in 2015.

This demonstration of effective end-to-end system performance in a realistic ballistic flight environment marks another on-time achievement for the B61-12 Life Extension Program,” said Brig. Gen. Michael Lutton, NNSA’s principal assistant deputy administrator for military application. “The successful test provides critical qualification data to validate that the baseline design meets military requirements. It reflects the nation’s continued commitment to our national security and that of our allies and partners.”

The flight test included hardware designed by Sandia and Los Alamos National Laboratories, manufactured by the Nuclear Security Enterprise plants, and mated to the tail-kit assembly section, designed by the Boeing Company under contract with the Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center (AFNWC),” the NNSA statement said.

Phil Hoover, an engineer at Sandia National Laboratories, shows off a flight test body for a B61-12 nuclear weapon (zie de inhumane schoft trots zijn op zijn massavernietigingswapen)

The B61-12 consolidates and replaces four B61 bomb variants in the nation’s nuclear arsenal. The first production unit is scheduled to be completed by March 2020.

The original B61 gravity bomb is the mainstay of the Air Force’s nuclear arsenal and one of the legs of the so-called nuclear triad, along with the intercontinental ballistic missiles deployed from either ground-based silos or oceangoing submarines. The B61 nuclear gravity bomb, deployed from U.S. Air Force and NATO bases, has almost 50 years of service, “making it the oldest and most versatile weapon in the enduring U.S. stockpile.” Numerous modifications have been made to improve the B61’s safety, security, and reliability since the first B61 entered service in 1968, and four B61 variants remain in the stockpile: the 3, 4, 7, and 11. However, the aging weapon system requires a life extension to continue deterring potential adversaries and reassuring our allies and partners of our security commitments to them.

The B61-12 LEP will refurbish, reuse, or replace all of the bomb’s nuclear and non-nuclear components to extend the service life of the B61 by at least 20 years, “and to improve the bomb’s safety,  effectiveness, and security” according to the NNSA. The B61-12 first production unit will occur in FY 2020. The bomb will be approximately 12 feet long and weigh approximately 825 pounds. The bomb will be air-delivered in either ballistic gravity or guided drop modes, and is being certified for delivery on current strategic (B-2A) and dual capable aircraft (F-15E, F-16C/D & MLU, PA-200) as well as future aircraft platforms (F-35, B-21).

President Trump has endorsed the ambitious and expensive plan to modernize the US nuclear triad, begun under his predecessor.

The August test of the B61-12 was the second in a series with the final design review due in September 2018 and the first production unit scheduled for completion by March 2020. Once the bomb is authorized for use in 2020, the US plans to deploy some 180 of the B61-12 precision-guided thermonuclear bombs to five European countries as follows:

  • Germany -20;
  • Italy – 70;
  • Netherlands – 20;
  • Turkey -50;
  • Belgium – 20;

although in light of the recent deterioration in relations between Washington and Ankara, it will likely consider reassessing the Turkish deployment.

By Tyler Durden / Republished with permission / Zero Hedge / Report a typo

* Gegarandeerd dat deze bom straks alleen onder de nieuwe Nederlandse 'straaljager', de JSF past. Voordeel voor de Russen: de JSF kan geen jager genoemd worden naar de huidige standaard daarvoor, het toestel klimt, rent en wendt te langzaam en kan zich wat dat betreft nog net met de A-10 Thunderbolt uit de 70er jaren meten...... Bovendien is de stealth technologie al gebroken door de Russen en Chinezen, zodat zij het toestel wel op de radar kunnen zien......... Daarnaast mag het toestel alleen gebruikt worden als de VS akkoord is met het doel, zo niet, kan de VS het toestel op afstand blokkeren voor gebruik.........

dinsdag 12 juli 2016

De VS draait de Iran-deal deels terug........

Gisteren op Information Clearing House het bericht, dat het Huis van Afgevaardigden in de VS een streep wil zetten, door een contract dat Boeing met Iran sloot over de levering van vliegtuigen.

Deze deal voor 100 vliegtuigen, heeft een waarde van 25 miljard dollar. Het Huis vindt de deal te riskant, zo zou Iran onderdelen uit die vliegtuigen kunnen gebruiken, voor andere doeleinden of vliegtuigen....... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! Ja logisch, je koopt een passagiersvliegtuig voor een smak geld, alleen om onderdelen te bemachtigen voor andere vliegtuigen, of bijvoorbeeld een vliegende bom te maken, alsof Iran die onderdelen bijvoorbeeld niet veel simpeler kan kopen in China, waar men al jaren kampioen namaken is.........

Gevreesd moet worden, dat dit de zoveelste hap van de VS uit het verdrag met Iran wordt, iets dat men in Israël zal vieren met hectoliters champagne....... Hoeveel een deal met Iran ook kan opleveren, het blijft klein bier, vergeleken met de winsten die het militair-industrieel complex in de VS maakt, tja en die winsten komen in gevaar als er vrede 'dreigt.....'

'Pikant detail': Boeing maakt met haar civiele tak passagiersvliegtuigen, maar is tegelijk ook onderdeel van van het militair-industrieel complex! Een woordvoerder van het bedrijf heeft al laten weten, dat iedereen die een contract afsloot met Iran, kan rekenen op tegenwerking van het Huis van Afgevaardigden..........

Ben benieuwd hoe dit zal aflopen, al vrees ik, zoals gezegd, dat het verdrag met Iran uiteindelijk zal sneuvelen, immers naast de immense lobby voor het militair-industrieel complex, is de Israël-lobby nergens groter dan in de VS........... Zoals u wellicht weet: Israël was zwaar verontwaardigd over het verdrag tussen de VS en Iran.......

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vrijdag 13 november 2015

Wortmann (CDA) vindt dat Pax overdrijft, met beschuldiging aan adres ABP........ AUW!!!

Corien Wortmann, CDA leeghoofd en godbetert hoofdgrofgraaier bij ABP, had gistermorgen een grote bek over Pax. Deze 'vredesorganisatie', Pax (Christi) stelde dat het ABP nog steeds investeert in atoomwapens, hoewel het grootste deel van de ABP pensioenfondsleden daarop tegen is......

Wortmann stelde dat het ABP investeert in Boeing en tja, dat die 'onderdelen' maken voor kernraketten, een kniesoor die daar op let.......... Je zou bijna wensen, dat ze ooit zo'n ding op haar domme kop zou krijgen, helaas zou dat de dood van velen betekenen..... We moeten van die rotdingen af en dat doe je niet door bedrijven te steunen, die de fabricage van dit soort massavernietigingswapens mogelijk maken!!! Is de trut nou helemaal bedonderd???!!!!

Bovendien loog Wortmann: Boeing maakt o.a. Minuteman raketten, dat zijn intercontinentale kernraketten, die binnen 1 minuut gelanceerd kunnen worden (vandaar de naam), verder maakt Boeing atoombommen en militaire vliegtuigen........

Voor meer berichten over/met Wortmann, ABP, pensioen, wapenhandel, kernraketten, atoombom, kernwapentaak, massavernietigingswapens, militair-industrieel complex, aandeelhouders en/of Boeing, klik op het desbetreffende label, onder dit bericht.