reden zou zijn dat de vrouw, een lid van de oorspronkelijke bevolking van wat nu Canada heet, tijdens haar zwangerschap alcohol zou
hebben gedronken en die dronken zou zijn geweest tijdens de
zwangerschap, zaken die door de vrouw en haar familie worden
het drinken tijdens de zwangerschap een reden is om kinderen uit de
ouderlijke macht te zetten, zou Canada eens naar de zwangere vouwen in
de grote arme onderlaag van het land moeten kijken, een groep die
vooral bestaat uit witte Canadezen.............. (waarin het oorspronkelijke volk zelfs een minderheid is)
wel het meest wrange in het hieronder opgenomen bericht en via
berichten op o.a. Radio Nova Scotia, is de constatering dat vrouwen
van de oorspronkelijke bevolking ('indianen') veelal gelaten achterblijven na zo'n ontvoering van hun pas geboren kinderen, daar het
blijkbaar veelvuldig voorkomt in Canada......
vraag van de vrouw of ze haar baby nog een paar minuten bij zich
mocht houden, werd met een simpel "nee" beantwoord...... Voorts werd de
vrouw te verstaan gegeven dat ze haar kind nooit weer terug zou mogen zien......
De baby werd daarna zonder daarvoor beschermende kleding of doeken aan de vrieskou blootgesteld door ambtenaren die haar meenamen.......
De bewuste vrouw heeft in het verleden verslavingsproblemen gehad en was akkoord dat haar kind voorlopig naar haar tante zou gaan, daar was zelfs een notariële akte voor opgesteld, echter dat was blijkbaar niet voldoende voor de autoriteiten........
De baby werd daarna zonder daarvoor beschermende kleding of doeken aan de vrieskou blootgesteld door ambtenaren die haar meenamen.......
De bewuste vrouw heeft in het verleden verslavingsproblemen gehad en was akkoord dat haar kind voorlopig naar haar tante zou gaan, daar was zelfs een notariële akte voor opgesteld, echter dat was blijkbaar niet voldoende voor de autoriteiten........
de genocide op de oorspronkelijke bevolking al niet te zot voor
woorden is, behandelt men deze mensen nog steeds als
Lees het volgende artikel van Loic Venance en zie de meegeleverde schokkende video (zie ook de artikelen van de meegeleverde links onder het artikel van Venance, o.a. over gedwongen sterilisatie van vrouwen die tot de oorspronkelijke bevolking behoren....):
Video of newborn seized from indigenous mom goes viral & triggers uproar in Canada

© AFP / Loic Venance
time: 13 Jan, 2019 00:05
Edited time: 13 Jan, 2019 08:40
Edited time: 13 Jan, 2019 08:40
going to actually physically remove the baby” – these words,
unthinkable to any mother, were streamed on Facebook Live and have
since prompted angry accusations of state discrimination against
indigenous people in Canada.
edict was delivered by a cop as he was taking a newborn girl away
from an indigenous woman at a hospital in the Canadian province of
Manitoba this week. The mother was accused of alcohol consumption
during pregnancy and of being drunk when arriving to give birth –
claims that she and her relatives vigorously deny.
the footage, which instantly went viral, the infant’s mother is
seen hugging her baby when social services and police officers
arrive. They tell the woman that “Child
and Family Services (CFS) have the power to apprehend a child” and
that the newborn will be placed into care.
mother’s plea to spend at least a few more minutes with her baby is
rejected with a harsh and simple “No.”
woman also isn’t told when she’ll be able to see her child again.
The girl is then placed in a baby car seat and taken away. Neither
the mother nor her relatives try to resist the authorities, but cry
and weep in sorrow.
more shocking than the video itself is the fact that apprehensions of
newborns such as this occur, on average, about once every day in
Manitoba, official records show.
More than 10,000 children are currently in CFS care in the province
and around 90 percent have an indigenous parent or parents.
See Thohahente Weaver's other Tweets
Facebook video has attracted public attention to the sad statistics,
with the mother and her family vowing to fight to bring the child
back. During a press-conference on Friday, the woman, whose name
can’t be revealed under Manitoba law, said she thought that her
little girl would be given to one of her relatives and
was “blindsided” when
told that, in fact, the child services were taking her.
just astonishing how far this had to go,” she
said, but added that she was “very
hopeful things are going to work out in a positive way.”
An Indigenous child ripped from her Mother’s arms by the State (again).
This is not just part of Canada’s history - it is today’s lived reality.
We are failing in #reconciliation on every front imaginable. #cdnpoli
See Jessa McLean NDP's other Tweets
CEO of General Child and Family Services Authority (GA), Debbie Besant,
said that she was “confident” the
decision to separate the mother and her baby was right. However, she
insisted that apprehending a child is a measure used “only
as a last resort.”
Chief Garrison Settee, who represents northern Manitoba First
Nations, was by the mother’s side and the leader blasted the
Canadian child service, saying that “the
system that we’re subject to isn’t a system for our people.”
Indigenous people, we have our own ways, we have our own laws that
have sustained us since time immemorial,” he
said. “Those
ways have been taken from us. The authority has been taken from us to
govern ourselves and to govern our people with our own laws, with our
own child welfare systems.”
Cora Morgan suggested that the woman was deprived of her child only
because she was already in the database after seeking help for
addiction and had her other child temporarily in care a few years
ago. She became a victim of the so-called “birth
alert” when
social workers are notified that the expectant mother is ‘high-risk’,
she said.
the system – as a mother, as a father, as a grandparent – they’re
always deemed guilty of something, and there’s no mechanism to ever
prove you’re innocent,” Morgan
explained, adding claims of her client being intoxicated when
arriving to hospital were false. She criticized the authorities for
ignoring a notarized custody agreement that would have the baby’s
aunt take care of her niece. Morgan added that officials that took
the baby carried it outside in freezing temperatures without proper
say the family is incapable of taking care of the baby and they take
her away,” she
said. “This
is how they treat a new life.”

We already knew what CFS was going to say...
Why is it never: yes, we're providing home support, counseling, skills enhancing, whatever the hell it takes to keep a family healthy & whole?#cdnpoli …
Why is it never: yes, we're providing home support, counseling, skills enhancing, whatever the hell it takes to keep a family healthy & whole?#cdnpoli …
This story is constant in Canada & the only main constant crime for CFS is parenting while Indigenous and being a child while Indigenous. The statistics across Canada bear this out.
These facts, while reported on regularly, remain a mystery to the avg. Cdn citizen. Pls ask why.
See Robyn Lawson: Itisahwâkan's other Tweets

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