Het zou mooi zijn als men naast het stoppen van bezoeken aan dolfinaria, Japan niet langer ziet als vakantieland en alle artikelen boycot die dat land exporteert, deze barbaarse slachtingen moeten eindelijk afgelopen zijn!!
Taiji's Dolphin Hunting Season Has Come to a Close
Dolphin Project Ric.OBarry@dolphinproject.com via email.actionnetwork.org
This season, a total of 130 drives took place involving eight species of dolphins. We estimate 560 dolphins were slaughtered, while 180 were taken captive. Many more may have died as a result of the drives themselves, their numbers never recorded.
As evidenced in previous years, dolphin trainers worked closely alongside dolphin hunters, choosing which mammals would be appropriate for “life” in captivity, and which would be slaughtered. Marine parks and aquariums often use the terms “conservation” and “education” when describing their captive dolphin displays. The reality however, lies in the bloody waters of this tiny Japanese town: demand for captive entertainment is what fuels Taiji’s drive hunts. Captive dolphin displays, including swim-with-dolphins programs aren’t educational, nor are they entertainment. They are exploitative, and often responsible for the destruction of entire dolphin pods.
Compared to last year, 61 fewer dolphins were taken captive, thus, it’s imperative that we continue to keep the pressure on by educating the world why we need to say NO to the dolphin show.
While the tarps that dolphins are dragged under to be slaughtered or taken captive are in the process of being taken down, and the banger poles used to drive dolphins into the Cove are in the process of being removed, Dolphin Project will continue to educate on the cruelties of dolphin captivity. No matter the sophistication of a captive dolphin environment, the natural world of which dolphins are uniquely adapted for simply cannot be replicated.
Dolphin Project extends a huge “THANK YOU” to those who watched our live streams, shared our social media and blogs and took the pledge to NOT buy a ticket to a dolphin show. We are grateful to each of you who lent your voices in support. As we have always said, as long as Taiji exploits dolphins, Dolphin Project will be in Taiji to document this exploitation. Planning is already underway for the 2020/21 season. While the drive season has “technically” ended, permits to hunt pilot whales are valid for several more months.
We hope you will continue to stand by our side as we continue our work across the globe, from the United States to the Solomon Islands and to Indonesia, where four dolphins are currently rehabilitating in the world’s first permanent dolphin sanctuary, of which we built.
All of our groundbreaking work is made possible because of your generous support. Thank you for being a dolphin defender!
Featured image: Long-beaked common dolphin swimming wild and free, credit: Cynthia Fernandez
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