Zo hoog als de hysterie opliep bij o.a. de reguliere westerse (massa-) media over de niet door het Syrische leger begane gifgasaanval op Khan Sheikhoun, was hier over het algemeen alleen plaats voor een belachelijke vorm van onverschilligheid, immers Al Qaida (al-Nusra) bestrijdt ook het Syrische leger....... CNN ging het verst in haar smerige commentaar. Zo zou het hier om een 'hiccup' (hik, of een oprisping) gaan, waarbij men de vluchtelingen ook nog eens afschilderde als aanhangers van Assad (iets dat een aantal andere mediaorganen, zoals de BBC, ook wisten te melden.....).....
Opvallend, in het volgende artikel van Anti-Media, wordt gerept over massamedia, die al vanaf het begin beweren, dat Assad religieuze terreur losliet op een groot deel van het volk...... Iets dat men tot op de dag van vandaag volhoudt...... Terwijl juist onder Assad alle religies en takken van religies vreedzaam in één land leefden. Daar heeft de door de VS coalitie opgezette opstand voor een fiks deel een eind aan gemaakt. Opvallend, daar men in ons land, naar mijn weten, Assad nooit heeft beschuldigt van sektarisch geweld.
Vanaf 2006 heeft de VS het voortouw genomen, om de regering van Assad omver te werpen, daar deze pijpleidingen uit o.a. de Golfstaten weigerde over het Syrische grondgebied, pijpleidingen voor gas en olie, richting Turkije en uiteindelijk de EU...... Gezien het voorgaande zal het u niet verbazen, dat ook Turkije, Saoedi-Arabië*, Qatar en Groot-Brittannië deel uitmaakten (en deel uitmaken van de VS coalitie, die illegaal in Syrië opereert) van de club die Assad weg wilde en wil hebben.......
Hier het verslag van Anti-Media:
CNN Covers Up Genocidal Crimes of U.S.-Backed Syrian Rebels
19, 2017 at 4:58 pm
by Anti-Media
News Desk
selective reporting, the omission of facts and reliance on dubious
sources of information, media outlets have sought to twist the facts
and whitewash crimes committed by the rebels.
(MPN) Damascus
— This
week, Syria saw one of its most deadly attacks against civilians
fleeing al-Qaeda-held areas in Al-Fu’ah and Kafrayah through a
government-rebel civilian swap. Rebels targeted and killed 126
people, including dozens of women and children, after a blast hit a
convoy of evacuee buses Saturday.
evacuees, all of whom were Muslim Shiites, were scheduled to be
bussed from the al-Nusra-Front-dominated Idlib Province as part of an
evacuation deal between the rebels and the government of President
Bashar al-Assad.
the fact that the victims targeted in the blast were all Muslim
Shiites was either outright ignored by the media or construed as
proof that they were “pro-Assad,” a term that much of the
mainstream media uses as a pejorative (>> kleinering, Ap.).
rebels in Idlib, where the bombing took place, have been proven to
be aligned
entirely with the al-
Front –
otherwise known as al-Qaeda’s Syrian branch. This group and their
associates have a specific interest in carrying out attacks against
Muslim Shiites, whom they consider to be heretics along with Syria’s
Christian minority and the Druze.
genocidal ideology, which has manifested itself repeatedly through
the actions of terrorist groups and rebels active in the Syrian
opposition, owes to the extreme Wahhabi leanings of these groups,
which seek to unite Syria under their particular brand of extreme
political ideology. Said differently, many of these extremist
rebels seek
to create a politically-motivated theocracy that
parallels that of the Saudi Arabian government. This would only
include Wahhabis and extremist Sunnis who share their ideology –
supplanting Syria’s secular government, which has allowed a
multiplicity of faiths to flourish without fear of state persecution.
their supposed commitment to “democracy” and self-determination
in Syria, the media outlets that support the regime-change narrative
promoted by foreign governments have conveniently omitted these facts
from their coverage. For instance, Al Jazeera, funded
by the Daesh (ISIS) and rebel-supporting Qatari government, refused
to even mention the
fact that the victims were Muslim Shiites, as well as omitting the
fact that the attack occurred in al-Qaeda territory – even going so
far as to imply that the attack was perpetrated by the Syrian
They were fleeing violence and they got bombed. More than 100 Syrians were killed while being evacuated.
(voor de video in bovenstaande Twitter, zie de link onder het Anti-Media artikel**)
Al Jazeera was by no means alone in twisting the facts. The BBC, funded by the pro-Syrian opposition British government, also insinuated that Assad’s forces were to blame for the attack, even claiming that the attack “would not be in the rebels’ interest” despite the fact that extremist Syrian rebels have been calling for the massacre of all Muslim Shiites in Syria for years and that even the U.S. government has admitted that anti-Assad groups, particularly Daesh, are committing acts of genocide against those of different faiths.
addition, most mainstream media coverage – from CNN to the
Huffington Post –
has concluded that there was “no evidence” that rebels were
involved in the attack or that no one could be blamed as “no group
had claimed responsibility.”
went on to dehumanize the Syrian victims fleeing al-Qaeda as Assad
supporters just
because they were Muslim Shiites, and described the attack as a
Rebel suicide attack kills over 100 civilians in Syria.
CNN reports "dozens of supporters of Assad" killed in a "hiccup".
(voor de video in de bovenstaande Twitter, zie de link onder het Anti-Media artikel**)
One BBC correspondent completely dismissed al-Qaeda and described the bus attack as a false flag attack perpetrated by Assad’s government.
BBC correspondent blames yesterday's slaughter of Shia on Assad false flag, says Al Qaeda wouldn't do such a thing
news outlets failed to mention that al-Nusra Front rebels have been
caught before burning
civilian evacuation buses while
also casting doubt on the accounts of Syrian government sources that
blamed a suicide car bomber for the most recent attack. However,
these same outlets had no problem condemning Assad for the early
April chemical gas attack that occurred in the same province, despite
the fact that Assad’s government never claimed responsibility and
that evidence has emerged calling the details of the attack into
dubious is the mainstream media’s continual reliance on only two
sources of information from inside Syria – the White Helmets and
the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR). As MintPress
News has reported in
the past, the White Helmets are a mercenary-founded and Western
government-funded group that collaborates with the al-Nusra Front on
a regular basis and has even facilitated street executions of
civilians despite their “humanitarian” image.
in contrast, consists
of just one man:
the vehemently anti-Assad Rami Abdul-Rahman, who lives in the United
Kingdom. Abdul-Rahman’s “sources” in Syria, from which he
receives his information regarding the war, are anonymous and never
recorded – thus making them completely unverifiable.
A manufactured sectarian war
the Syrian conflict began over six years ago, most media coverage of
the war – particularly that of news organizations from Western and
pro-regime change nations – has been noticeably slanted in favor of
rebel groups funded and armed by proxy nations with the interest of
ousting the Assad government.
selective reporting, the omission of key facts and reliance on
dubious sources of information, including Western NGOs and rebel
groups operating alongside the Al-Nusra Front, these media
outlets have
sought to twist the facts and
whitewash crimes committed by the rebels while ignoring their agenda
of ethnically cleansing Syria of anyone who refuses to follow their
extremist Wahhabi political ideology. In the process, the media has
colored the Syrian crises through a false narrative of Sunni survival
against a power-hungry Alawite Syrian government and expanding Shiite
Iran – a narrative that was manufactured by the rebels and their
proxy nations to justify their insurgency.
this sectarian lens, rebels are using a “divide and conquer agenda”
supported by the proxy nations that are arming them to target Muslim
Shiites, Muslim Sunnis, Arab Christians, Druze, Zoroastrians and
other minorities in their fight to destabilize Syria, spread
sectarianism and drive the nation into a civil war in order to weaken
and eventually oust the Assad government.
media has worked to flip the narrative to glorify the rebels and
frame any atrocities committed by them as having been perpetrated by
the Syrian government. The BBC, Al Jazeera and CNN are the most
prominent examples.
disparities have been commonplace over the past several years. The
last month alone has been particularly telling of the mainstream
media’s refusal to value the lives of innocent civilians equally,
instead only choosing to cover the deaths of civilians in Syria when
it supports the long-standing regime change agenda targeting Assad.
the most dramatic geopolitical event of the year took place earlier
this month, when U.S. President Donald Trump chose
to bomb Syrian government forces,
an act of alleged retaliation for a still-unconfirmed chemical gas
attack in al-Qaeda-held Idlib. The attack killed an estimated 58
civilians, including nearly a dozen children. The gas attack received
non-stop media coverage, largely because it served as a convenient
pretext to further vilify Assad and justify U.S.-led unilateral
military action within Syria.
higher civilian death counts that resulted from U.S.-led coalition
airstrikes went largely uncovered and failed to generate the same
level of outrage among these same media outlets, even though they
took place just weeks prior.
this, it is no small wonder that viewership and popularity of the
mainstream media have reached
a historic low,
given their propensity to overlook journalistic standards and even
manipulating tragedies to sell a particular narrative – whether
true or false – to their audiences.
* Saoedi-Arabië, dat bovendien elk bewind waar sjiieten niet worden vervolgd, wil bestrijden en dit ook daadwerkelijk doet, hetzij door het steunen van terreur tegen zo'n bewind, zoals in Syrië, dan wel middels illegale oorlogsvoering zoals in Jemen)
** Bij de eerste twee 'Twitters' hoort een video, deze kreeg ik niet gekopieerd, hier de link naar het originele artikel.
en: 'Saoedi-Arabië bombardeert begrafenis ceremonie in Jemen, VS 'heroverweegt' wapenleveranties.........'
en: (met mogelijkheid tot vertaling): 'U.S. and U.K. Continue to Participate in War Crimes, Targeting of Yemeni Civilians'
en: 'Jemen 300.000 cholera patiënten en de valse berichtgeving door de westerse reguliere media.......'
en: 'Genocide op Houthi's in Jemen: daders Saoedi-Arabië, de VS en de Arabische Emiraten.............'
en: 'Ali Al Shihabi: Saoedi-Arabie begaat geen oorlogsmisdaden in Jemen....... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'
en: 'Van Kappen (VVD) noemt 'stapelaanwijzingen' het bewijs en is blij met raketaanval VS op Syrische basis, een aanval zonder enig echt bewijs voor Syrische schuld.......'
en: 'Sico van der Meer ('deskundige' Clingendael) weet niet, dat Israël en Egypte grote hoeveelheden gifgas maken en op voorraad hebben..........'
en: 'Rutte: raketaanval VS tegen Syrische basis was begrijpelijk en proportioneel, ook al is er geen bewijs voor Syrische schuld........'
en: 'Koenders (PvdA BuZa): Assad is schuldig aan gifgasaanval en is een 'criminele recidivist......' ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'
en: 'Esther de Lange (CDA): het afschieten door de VS van raketten op een Syrische basis 'was even nodig...........''
en: 'Al Jazeera filmde een onderdeel van de 'gifgasshow' in Kahn Sheikhoun...........'
en: 'Van Kappen (VVD) noemt 'stapelaanwijzingen' het bewijs en is blij met raketaanval VS op Syrische basis, een aanval zonder enig echt bewijs voor Syrische schuld.......'
en: 'Sico van der Meer ('deskundige' Clingendael) weet niet, dat Israël en Egypte grote hoeveelheden gifgas maken en op voorraad hebben..........'
en: 'Rutte: raketaanval VS tegen Syrische basis was begrijpelijk en proportioneel, ook al is er geen bewijs voor Syrische schuld........'
en: 'Koenders (PvdA BuZa): Assad is schuldig aan gifgasaanval en is een 'criminele recidivist......' ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'
en: 'Esther de Lange (CDA): het afschieten door de VS van raketten op een Syrische basis 'was even nodig...........''
en: 'Al Jazeera filmde een onderdeel van de 'gifgasshow' in Kahn Sheikhoun...........'
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