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Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
Posts tonen met het label Khadaffi. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label Khadaffi. Alle posts tonen

donderdag 28 mei 2020

De Fed en andere centrale banken hebben misdadig een nepmarkt ontwikkeld

De beurzen gaan op een neer, hoewel er wel degelijk genoeg aan de hand is (een groeiende werkloosheid en bedrijven die met bosjes omvallen als gevolg van de Coronacrisis) om de negatieve trend, dus het naar beneden bewegen van de beursnoteringen voort te zetten, blijven de noteringen redelijk op peil, zoals de AEX toch telkens weer boven de 500 punten weet te blijven.

Analisten van de Bank of America deden onderzoek en kwamen tot de conclusie dat de U.S. Federal Reserve (kortweg de Fed) en andere centrale banken een nepmarkt hebben gecreëerd, waarbij ze de prijs voor obligaties en aandelen hebben gefixeerd door er enorme kapitalen tegen aan te gooien, kapitalen die worden gevormd door er onbeperkt geld bij te drukken en zelfs bedrijven op de been te houden die al lang failliet hadden moeten gaan (veel zelfs al voor het Coronavirus uitbrak....).....

Uiteraard kan dit niet lang goed gaan en de prijs die voor deze ongebreidelde steun moet worden betaald komt op rekening van de belastingbetalers...... Uiteindelijk zal dit leiden tot enorme ellende en zullen bedrijven alsnog omdonderen, immers als de consument geen geld over heeft om uit te geven (vanwege de te verwachten grote bezuinigingen), zal dit die bedrijven alsnog 'in het hart' treffen......

Intussen vieren investeerders feest op kosten van de maatschappij, waar de grote onderlaag het water aan de lippen staat en men deze onderlaag nog verder in de ellende wil storten, zo is de Trump administratie van plan de al zeer magere sociale zekerheid in de VS nog verder uit te kleden...... (vergeet niet dat er naast miljoenen extra werklozen er nu al grote groepen in de VS zijn die letterlijk honger lijden >> 'the great American dream......') 

De overheidsschuld van de VS is al bijna niet meer in cijfers uit te drukken, zo groot, echter dat is geen reden voor de Trump administratie en de Fed om voorzichtig te zijn met het uitgeven van geld, zoals gezegd: de geldpersen draaien op volle toeren, waar de dollar in feite allang geen barst meer waard zou moeten zijn en dagelijks zelfs verder inboet aan waarde, blijft deze ongelofelijk genoeg op een redelijk (fantasie) peil gehandhaafd..... 

Het voorgaande heeft alles te maken met het feit dat de dollar een internationaal betaalmiddel is en de olieprijs zelfs in dollars wordt uitgedrukt, waar men elders bezig is, de dollar los te maken van de olieprijs. Dit is één van de hoofdoorzaken van de illegale oorlog van de VS en andere NAVO-lidstaten tegen Libië, waar Khadaffi vergevorderde plannen had om een gouden dinar in te voeren, om daarmee de prijs van olie weer te geven..... (zoals al te zien was aan de voorgaande zin: een dinar waarvan de waarde werkelijk gedekt zou zijn door goud en niet door lucht zoals de dollar, terwijl het met de euro dezelfde kant opgaat....)

Het volgende artikel komt van 'Great Stuff' (Banyan Hill) en werd daar op 22 mei jl. gepubliceerd, ben bepaald geen fan van Banyan Hill echter het volgende artikel is ontluisterend (terwijl we allen kunnen weten dat er een achterlijke hoeveelheid geld wordt gecreëerd, dag in dag uit) en tegelijk zo humoristisch dat het dient te worden overgenomen. Terecht merkt Joseph Hargett, de schrijver, op dat de Fed en andere centrale banken, in feite misdadig bezig zijn:

The “Fake It Until You Make It”

Great Stuff <>

Posted by Joseph Hargett | May 22, 2020 | Great Stuff
7 minute, 27 second read

Wall Street is most certainly faking it right now. And that, dear reader, is why Great Stuff remains pert’near bearish on the entire shebang.

It’s been a really really messed up week. Five days of bad data, five days of going nowhere.

And the market went and cheated on me. It’s in the Fed’s back pocket and it doesn’t even matter.

La, la, la … whatever. La, la, la … oh well.)

Are you picking up on the Hot Chelle Rae vibes I’m puttin’ down?

Analysts at Bank of America certainly are. The financial giant’s securities division issued a research note on the U.S. economy this morning, and they came to the same conclusion
Great Stuff has thrown at you for months now.

That conclusion? The U.S. Federal Reserve and other central banks around the world have created “fake markets.” 
According to Bank of America’s Chief Investment Strategist Michael Hartnett: “Government and corporate bond prices have been fixed by central banks ... why would anyone expect stocks to price rationally?”

Let’s look at the facts: Central banks are droppin’ Benjamins around the globe, shelling out $4 trillion for asset purchases in the past two months. They’ve also spent about $2.4 billion an hour on financial assets, Bank of America states.

The net effect has forced investors to buy into the equity market, coerced banks into lending and created corporate “zombies” to issue debt. In short, the Fed and its global partners in crime have created “fake markets” to artificially bolster investment returns while the world’s economy tanks.

How does this relate to Hot Chelle Rae, you ask? (OK, you didn’t ask, but I’m telling you anyway!)

From the song
Tonight Tonight: “I don't know if I'll make it, but watch how good I'll fake it. It's all right, all right, tonight, tonight!”

Wall Street is most certainly faking it right now. And that, dear reader, is why
Great Stuff remains pert’near bearish on the entire shebang. If the economy doesn’t rebound as fast as the talking heads on Wall Street expect, there’s bound to be a reckoning.

Until then, investors will “party on the rooftop top of the world.”

Wondering where to find a rooftop party in your neck of the woods? Paul Mampilly has you covered.

zaterdag 18 april 2020

De Russisch - Saoedische olie-oorlog was niet tegen elkaar gericht, maar tegen de VS productie van schaliegas en -olie

De zogenaamde 'olie-oorlog' tussen Saoedi-Arabië en Rusland, gevoerd voor de prijs van olie was niet gericht tegen elkaar, maar tegen de schaliegas en schalie-olie productie van de VS en niet in de laatste plaats daar de VS zich voor de zoveelste keer niet wenst te houden aan afspraken gemaakt door de OPEC.

De VS weigert simpelweg minder olie en gas te produceren, anders dan door 'natuurlijke oorzaak', zoals de Coronacrisis die zorgt voor een fiks verminderde vraag naar olie en gas..... Sterker nog: de VS noemt deze 'natuurlijke vermindering van productie' een vermindering van productie zoals bedoelt door de OPEC, terwijl de OPEC landen te maken hebben met eenzelfde vermindering van vraag naar olie en gas, en daarbovenop een vermindering van deze productie wensen om de prijs weer op peil te krijgen.......

In feite is de VS dom bezig, immers een vermindering van het aanbod aan olie en gas zou de prijs voor de schalie-olie en schaliegas-winning juist meer rendabel maken..... Deze winning van gas en olie wordt zwaar gesubsidieerd en met een verminderd aanbod zou de prijs zoals gezegd omhooggaan, waardoor subsidiëring meer lucratief is. Door het niet handelen van de  VS op de vraag van de OPEC en de reactie daarop van Saoedi-Arabië en Rusland  daalde de olieprijs zover dat men in de VS nog meer geld moet toeleggen op elk geproduceerd vat olie.... Precies dat laatste was dan ook de bedoeling van vooral Saoedi-Arabië, daar haar olie (en dat van Rusland) een stuk goedkoper kan worden gewonnen en men wel ruimte heeft voor een 'tijdelijke' prijsverlaging.

Lullig voor Saoedi-Arabië maar Trump heeft nog eens laten weten dat zonder de VS het Saoedische koningshuis nog geen 2 weken kan standhouden, waarna de psychopathische moordenaar Mohammad bin Salman (MBS), de Saoedische kroonprins, weer braaf luistert naar wat de meesters in de VS wensen: een fikse reductie op de productie, zodat de winning van schalie-olie weer lucratief wordt en dat is zo als een vat olie minstens $ 40.-- oplevert (ook al wordt deze productie nog steeds gesubsidieerd, zelfs als was het alleen door de niet aan milieuregels gebonden productie van deze uiterst vervuilende olie- en gaswinning....) 

Volgens Mike Whitney, de schrijver van het hieronder opgenomen artikel zou Putin de olieprijs op minstens $ 45.-- per vat willen houden, echter daarmee zou Putin in de eigen voet schieten, immers zo wordt de zwaar gesubsidieerde schalie-olie en gaswinning in de VS weer enigszins lucratief. (en reken maar dat Rusland als Saoedi-Arabië de hele schalie-olie winning in de VS plat zou willen leggen...)    

Het volgende artikel werd zoals gezegd geschreven door Mike Whitney en door mij overgenomen van Information Clearing House, onder het artikel kan je klikken voor een 'Dutch' vertaling, dit neemt wel enige tijd in beslag:

The Russia-Saudi Oil-Price War Is a Fraud and a Farce

By Mike Whitney

April 16, 2020 "Information Clearing House" -   The Russia-Saudi oil-price war is a fabrication concocted by the media. There’s not a word of truth to any of it. Yes, there was a dust up at an OPEC meeting in early March that led to production increases and plunging prices. That part is true. But Saudi Arabia’s oil-dumping strategy wasn’t aimed at Russia, it was aimed at US shale oil producers. But not for the reasons you’ve read about in the media.

The Saudis aren’t trying to destroy the US shale oil business. That’s another fiction. They just want US producers to play by the rules and pitch in when prices need support. That might seem like a stretch, but it’s true.

You see, US oil producers are not what-you’d-call “team players”. They don’t cooperate with foreign producers, they’re not willing to share the costs of flagging demand, and they never lift a finger to support prices. US oil producers are the next-door-neighbor that parks his beat-up Plymouth on the front lawn and then surrounds it with rusty appliances. They don’t care about anyone but themselves.

What Putin and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman want is for US producers to share the pain of oil production cuts in order to stabilize prices. It’s an entirely reasonable request. Here’s a clip from an article at that helps to explain what’s really going on:

“… there was a sliver of hope that oil prices may rebound after Reuters reported that Saudi Arabia, Russia and allied oil producers will agree to deep cuts to their crude output at talks this week but only if the United States and several others join in with curbs to help prop up prices that have been hammered by the coronavirus crisis. However, in an attempt to have its cake and eat it too, the U.S. DOE said on Tuesday that U.S. output is already falling without government action, in line with the White House’s insistence that it would not intervene in the private markets….

OPEC+ will require the United States to make cuts in order to come to an agreement: The EIA report today demonstrates that there are already projected cuts of 2 (million bpd), without any intervention from the federal government,” the U.S. Energy Department said.

That is not enough for OPEC+ however, and certainly not Russia, which on Wednesday made clear that market-driven declines in oil production shouldn’t be considered as cuts intended to stabilize the market, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov tells reporters on conference call.

These are completely different cuts. You are comparing the overall demand drop with cuts to stabilize global markets. It’s like comparing length and width,” Peskov said…..Moscow’s participation is highly contingent on the US, and is unlikely to agree to output cuts if the US does not join the effort.” (“Historic Oil Deal On The Verge Of Collapse As Russia Balks At U.S. ‘Cuts'”,

Putin is being reasonable and fair. If everyone else is forced to cut supply, then US oil producers should have to cut supply too. But they don’t want to share the pain, so they’ve settled on a strategy for weaseling out of it. They want their reductions in output (from weak demand during the pandemic) to count as “production cuts”. They even have a name for this swindle, they call it “organic production cuts”, which means no cuts at all. This is the way hucksters do business not responsible adults.

What does Putin want from this deal?

Price stability. Yes, he’d like to see prices settle somewhere north of $45 per barrel but that’s not going to happen for a while. The combination of a weaker demand (due to the coronavirus) and oversupply (from the Saudis flooding the market) have ensured that prices will remain low for the foreseeable future. Even so, Putin understood what the Saudis were doing by flooding the market, and he knew it wasn’t directed at Russia. The Saudis were trying to persuade US oil producers to stop freeloading and cut production like everyone else. That’s the long and short of it. Check out this excerpt from an article by oil expert, Simon Watkins at

Saudi Arabia was continually peeved …(because) its efforts to keep oil prices up through various OPEC and OPEC+ agreements were allowing these very shale producers to make a lot more money than the Saudis, relatively speaking. The reason for this was that U.S. shale producers…. were not bound in to the OPEC/OPEC+ production quotas so could fill the output gaps created by OPEC producers.” (“The Sad Truth About The OPEC+ Production Cut”, Simon Watkins, 
This is what the media fails to tell their readers, that US oil producers– who don’t participate in any collective effort to stabilize prices– have been exploiting OPEC production quotas in order to fatten the bottom line at the expense of others. US producers figured out how to game the system and make a bundle in the process. Is it any wonder why the Saudis were pissed?? Here’s more from the same article:

This allowed the U.S. a rolling 3-4 million bpd advantage over Saudi in the oil exports game, meaning that it quickly became the world’s number one oil producer…. Hence, Saudi Arabia decided initially to unilaterally announce its intention for the last OPEC+ deal to be much bigger than that which it had pre-agreed with Russia, hoping to ambush the Russians into agreeing. Russia, however, turned around and told Saudi Arabia to figuratively go and reproduce with itself. MbS,… then decided to launch an all-out price war.” (

So you can see that this really had nothing to do with Russian at all. The Crown Prince was simply frustrated at the way US oil producers were gaming the system, which is why he felt like he had to respond by flooding the market. The obvious target was the US shale oil industry that was taking advantage of the quotas, refusing to cooperate with fellow oil producers and generally freeloading off the existing quota system.

And what’s funny, is that as soon as the Saudis started putting the screws to the US fracking gang, they all scampered off to Washington en masse to beg for help from Papa Trump. Which is why Trump decided to make emergency calls to Moscow and Riyadh to see if he could hash out a deal.

It’s worth noting that domestic oil producers have been involved in other dodgy activities in the past. Check out this excerpt from an article in the Guardian in 2014, the last time oil prices crashed:

After standing at well over $110 a barrel in the summer, the cost of crude has collapsed. Prices are down by a quarter in the past three months….
Think about how the Obama administration sees the state of the world. It wants Tehran to come to heel over its nuclear programme. It wants Vladimir Putin to back off in eastern Ukraine. But after recent experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan, the White House has no desire to put American boots on the ground. Instead, with the help of its Saudi ally, Washington is trying to drive down the oil price by flooding an already weak market with crude. As the Russians and the Iranians are heavily dependent on oil exports, the assumption is that they will become easier to deal with

The Saudis did something similar in the mid-1980s. Then, the geopolitical motivation for a move that sent the oil price to below $10 a barrel was to destabilize Saddam Hussein’s regime….

Washington’s willingness to play the oil card stems from the belief that domestic supplies of energy from fracking make it possible for the US to become the world’s biggest oil producer. In a speech last year, Tom Donilon, then Barack Obama’s national security adviser, said the US was now less vulnerable to global oil shocks. The cushion provided by shale oil and gas “affords us a stronger hand in pursuing and implementing our national security goals”. (“Stakes are high as US plays the oil card against Iran and Russia”, The Guardian) 
This excerpt shows that Washington is more than willing to use the “oil card” if it helps to achieve its geopolitical objectives. Not surprisingly, good buddy, Saudi Arabia, has historically played a key role in helping to promote those goals. The current incident, however, is the exact opposite. The Saudis aren’t helping the US achieve its objectives, quite the contrary, they’re lashing out in frustration. They feel like they’re being squeezed by Washington (and US producers) and they want to prove that they have the means to fight back. Flooding the market was just MBS’s way of “letting off steam”.

Trump understands this, but he also understands who ultimately calls the shots, which is why he took the unusual step of explicitly warning the Saudis that they’d better shape up and step in line or there’d be hell to pay. Here’s a little background that will help to connect the dots:

..the deal made in 1945 between the U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Saudi King at the time, Abdulaziz, that has defined the relationship between the two countries ever since… the deal that was struck between the two men on board the U.S. Navy cruiser Quincy… was that the U.S. would receive all of the oil supplies it needed for as long as Saudi Arabia had oil in place, in return for which the U.S. would guarantee the security of the ruling House of Saud. The deal has altered slightly ever since the rise of the U.S. shale oil industry and Saudi Arabia’s attempt to destroy it from 2014 to 2016, in that the U.S. still guarantees the security of the House of Saud but it also expects Saudi Arabia not only to supply the U.S. with whatever oil it needs for as long as it can but also – and this is key to everything that has followed – it also allows the U.S. shale industry to continue to function and to grow.
As far as the U.S. is concerned, if t his means that the Saudis lose out to U.S. shale producers by keeping oil prices up but losing out on export opportunities to these U.S. firms then tough..
As U.S. President Donald Trump has made clear whenever he has sensed a lack of understanding on the part of Saudi Arabia for the huge benefit that the U.S. is doing the ruling family: “He [Saudi King Salman] would not last in power for two weeks without the backing of the U.S. military.” (“The Sad Truth About The OPEC+ Production Cut”, Simon Watkins, Oil Price) 
Trump felt like he had to remind the Saudis how the system actually works: Washington gives the orders and the Saudi’s obey. Simple, right? In fact, the Crown Prince has already slashed oil production dramatically and is fully complying with Trump’s directives, because he knows if he doesn’t, he’s going to wind up like Saddam Hussein or Muammar Gaddafi.
Meanwhile, US shale oil producers won’t be required to make any cuts at all or, as the New York Times puts it: “It was not immediately clear if the Trump administration made a formal commitment to cut production in the United States.”

Got that? So everyone else cuts production, everyone else sees their revenues shrink, and everyone else pitches-in to put a floor under prices. Everyone except the “exceptional” American oil producers from the exceptional United States. They don’t have to do a damn thing.

Mike lives in Washington state.  He can be reached at - "Source"

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maandag 13 april 2020

MI5 en MI6 blij met Coronavirus om blunders bij bomaanslag te camoufleren

De Britse geheime diensten zijn blij met het Coronavirus, zo kon men de enorme blunders verbergen die tot de bomaanslag in de Manchester Arena hebben geleid.... De verantwoordelijke terreurgroep Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) is een aantal jaren gesteund door de Britse geheieme dienst, daar deze terreurgroep Khadaffi omver wilde werpen...... Na een mislukte aanslag vluchtten een aantal LIFG leden naar Groot-Brittannië waar ze asiel kregen...... De leden werd geen strobreed in de weg gelegd als zij naar het buitenland afreisden en uiteraard als ze terugkeerden....

Overigens blijkt uit gelekte documenten van MI6 dat deze dienst al in 1996 vergevorderde plannen had om Khadaffi, de voormalige president van Libië, middels een staatsgreep af te zetten..... Khadaffi dezelfde man die van Libie het rijkste land van Afrika maakte, waar studie en scholing (voor jongens en meisjes), huisvesting, gezondheidszorg en energie praktisch gratis waren...... Na ingrijpen van de VS en haar NAVO-partners beleef een land achter dat in puin lag en dat nu tot de armste landen van Afrika behoort, een land waar chaos en terreur heersen (met toestemming van het western) en waar zelfs openlijk slavenmarkten worden gehouden..... Ofwel: het zoveelste waanzinnige 'succes' van grootschalige westerse terreur!!!

De bomaanslag in Manchester was een grote misser van de geheime diensten MI5 en MI6, zoals die er al een fiks aantal op hun conto hebben, terwijl deze diensten (ook andere geheime diensten zoals 'onze' AIVD en MIVD) na elke 'islamitische aanslag' meer geld en bevoegdheden eisen en dat meestal krijgen, i.p.v. deze diensten eens tegen het licht te houden om de efficiëntie te onderzoeken......

Na elke aanslag in EU lidstaten, maar ook in de VS, blijkt dat geheime diensten deze hadden kunnen voorkomen, was men meer alert geweest en men bepaalde figuren beter in de gaten had gehouden......

Terzijde: opvallend dat de Nederlandse geheime diensten al in 2016 hebben gewaarschuwd voor een tekort aan IC bedden en beademingsapparatuur mocht er een pandemie uitbreken, iets waar Rutte 2 noch Rutte 3 iets mee hebben gedaan. Echter als het gaat om aanslagen laten ook 'onze geheime diensten' (zoals gezegd) het afweten in het voorkomen daarvan......

Het volgende artikel werd geschreven door Tom Coburg en werd op theCanary gepubliceerd:

The shocking story ‘lost’ in the coronavirus crisis that MI5 and MI6 would prefer you didn’t see

Tom Coburg 6th April 2020

The shocking story 'lost' in the coronavirus crisis that MI5 and ...

On 17 March 2020, Hashem Abedi was convicted of the murder of 22 people at the Manchester Arena. They died as a result of a bombing carried out by his brother, Salman Abedi, who died at the scene. Hashem Abedi was found guilty of aiding his brother in this heinous act, which also saw 237 people injured.

Following the trial, the corporate media rightly focused on the coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak. Perhaps this explained why there was little mention in the press of how MI5 failed to monitor Libyan jihadists properly in the part of Manchester where the Abedis lived; or of how MI6 may have helped radicalise the jihadist group that the Abedi brothers, via their father, were linked to. 


Journalists Mark Curtis and Nafeez Ahmed previously argued that the Manchester bombing was “blowback” for UK foreign policy and intelligence operations in Libya, saying:
While a number of factors operate to contribute to an individual’s radicalisation, it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that one of these contributory factors is British direct and covert action in Iraq, Libya and Syria. Without these actions – by Britain and its close allies – it is conceivable that [Salman] Abedi might well not have had the opportunity to become radicalised in the way he did.
MI6 was responsible for covert action in Libya. Monitoring of exiled Libyans in Britain was down to MI5. 

MI5 and the LIFG

In the wake of terror attacks in London and Manchester, a former senior policy adviser to David Cameron commented on how Theresa May should accept responsibility, tweeting:

Theresa May responsible for security failures of London Bridge, Manchester, Westminster Bridge. Should be resigning not seeking re-election
View image on Twitter

Indeed, under May’s watch there was an apparent catalogue of failures by both MI5 and the police to follow through on warnings and intelligence.
As RT previously reported:
An official report into the attack, conducted by David Anderson QC, noted that: “On two separate occasions in the months prior to the attack, intelligence was received by MI5 whose significance was not fully appreciated at the time. It was assessed at the time not to be [related to] terrorism but to possible non-nefarious activity or to criminality on the part of Salman Abedi.
In retrospect, the intelligence can be seen to have been highly relevant to the planned attack.”
In particular, it was under May that MI5 reportedly conducted an ‘open door’ policy for the Manchester-based LIFG (Libyan Islamic Fighting Group). One LIFG fighter told Middle East Eye that MI5 had inspected but returned their passports and that counter-terrorism police at Heathrow Airport were told to let them board their flights. As for Salman Abedi, Middle East Eye reported that:
after his father returned to Libya in 2011 to fight for LIFG, Abedi reportedly travelled back and forth between his home and Manchester and Tripoli, and fought alongside his father during the school holidays.
MI6 and regime change
As the Guardian reported, many LIFG members had escaped Libya and arrived in the UK after a plot to assassinate Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi failed:
When that plot – which some claim was backed by MI6 – failed, the LIFG was pursued by Gaddafi’s security forces. A large number fled to the UK, where they were granted asylum on the grounds that as opponents of Gaddafi “our enemy’s enemy is our friend”, and many went to Birmingham and Manchester – home to established Arab communities that had found work in the cities’ engineering industries.
A leaked top-secret CX (MI6) document – with the title LIBYA: PLANS TO OVERTHROW QADAHFI IN EARLY 1996 ARE WELL ADVANCED – shows details of that plot. According to the document, an agent referred to as ‘Tunworth’ admitted contacts between the assassination plotters and extremists. They were described as “Libya veterans who served in Afghanistan”, i.e. people with connections to groups like al-Qaeda. Explanatory notes to that document suggest that the permanent under secretary’s department, GCHQ, MI5, the Ministry of Defence, and MI6 stations in Tunis, Cairo, and Washington all knew of the assassination attempt in advance.

As Mark Curtis observed:
The plot went ahead in February 1996 in Sirte, Qadafi’s home city, but a bomb was detonated under the wrong car. Six innocent bystanders were killed, and Qadafi escaped unscathed.
MI6 also played a pivotal role in the alleged rendition of LIFG leader Abdel Hakim Belhaj, who was subsequently tortured by Libyan intelligence. Several incriminating documents retrieved by Human Rights Watch showed the extent to which MI6 head Mark Allen personally intervened and assisted the Libyan authorities in the matter.
Blowback revisited
Libya is currently one of the most unstable countries in north Africa. There are now reports of Syrian jihadists allied to Turkey providing support to the Tripoli-based government of national accord.

Covert intelligence operations can lead to unforeseen results, and it’s impossible to predict how events would have panned out had Britain not interfered in the geo-politics of that region. But while politicians who oversaw those operations appear to have emerged relatively unscathed, the same can’t be said for the ordinary folk who merely wanted to attend an Ariana Grande concert at the Manchester Arena.

Featured image via Wikimedia Commons
Voor meer berichten over Libië, MI5, MI6, LIFG, Al Qaida, AIVD, MIVD en/of Coronavirus, klik op het betreffende label, direct onder dit bericht.

maandag 18 november 2019

Bolivia: misdadigers die vechten voor het kapitalisme

Kathleen Wallace schreef op CounterPunch een artikel over Bolivia waarbij ze o.a. de woorden gebruikt van VS marinier Smedley Butler, die tijdens zijn leven onder meer vocht in WOI en de Mexicaanse revolutie. Deze marinier stelde later over zijn werk dat hij in feite als misdadiger het werk opknapte voor het kapitalisme. Hij prikte de leugens door die de VS, het bedrijfsleven en de financiële wereld gebruikten om staatsgrepen te plegen en oorlogen te voeren, leugens waarmee het volk van de VS werd belazerd om zo algehele goedkeuring te krijgen voor het vuile, bloedige buitenlandbeleid van de VS...... 

Wallece stelt terecht dat Bolivia het laatste slachtoffer is van het smerige kapitalistische spel van de VS zoals Smedley dat zag, al is tegenwoordig de term neoliberalisme meer gebruikt, daar dit in feite nog een paar stappen verder gaat dan het vermaledijde kapitalisme.......

Khadaffi en Hoessein worden genoemd als slachtoffer van het buitenlandbeleid van de VS, echter er zijn nog veel meer voorbeelden te bedenken en telkens blijkt dat de heersers en regeringen tegen wie de VS het opneemt, de belangen van de grote bedrijven en/of de militair-strategische belangen van de VS schenden, dan wel op grote voorraden belangrijke grondstoffen zitten, zoals olie en gas....* Zo zou Morales nog maar onlangs een contract met een Duitse firma hebben opgezegd, een contract over delving en export van lithium, een belangrijke grondstof voor accu's in de breedste zin van het woord, dus zowel voor auto's als die voor de smartphone...... Bolivia zou in haar bodem rond de 70% van de totale wereldvoorraad aan lithium bezitten...... In feite nationaliseerde Morales de voorraden lithium en nationalisatie is een woord waardoor in Washington alle seinen op knalrood gaan.......

Gegarandeerd dat de VS als eerste de opstand in Bolivia heeft georganiseerd en geregisseerd, dit met de opzet een staatsgreep te forceren, wat zoals we weten is gelukt...... (een manier van handelen die de VS al vaak heeft gebruikt.....) Zeker ook dat de VS contact had met de oppositie (van de minderheid, dus de nazaten van de kolonisten) en dat deze oppositie besprekingen voerde met de CIA, onderwerp: het afzetten van Morales......**

NOVEMBER 15, 2019

A Gangster for Capitalism: Next Up, Bolivia

Drawing by Nathaniel St. Clair

War is a racket. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few at the expense of the masses.”
This sounds like a modern day comment from the US far left, but the source is hardly that. It’s from a man who was the most decorated Marine ever at the time of his death. He was an expert on the topic. He served in WW I as well as the Mexican Revolution. Smedley Butler was doomed to be a largely forgotten voice in the rush to gloss over the true causes of war and regime change. He pointed out the techniques used to win public approval and the subsequent serving of the corporate needs by entering these ever-repeating violent conflicts. He described his military career as that of “a high class muscleman for Big Business, Wall Street, and the Bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism.”
This man mapped it all out for us around a hundred years ago, yet the jingoism prevails. The latest bipolar foreign policy evidenced in Bolivia is just the latest chapter of the US pushing for and actively installing those who would further the interests of Big Business. Always at the cost of the poor. In this case, the cure for the bipolar policy is probably going to be lithium.
The moment that leaders begin to step out of a corporate-friendly lane, shit gets real. Fast. A treasured ally becomes the perpetrator of election fraud or the nexus of humanitarian affronts to their people. True, pretty much anyone who ascends to a leadership position has issues that can be dissected and critiqued, but even the most horrible actions can be quietly dismissed as quickly as a bone saw can dispatch a pudgy journalist to pieces—if you play the game. Amazing and graphic affronts to decency are ignored when the leaders keep the machinery oiled. Literally oiled.
Gaddafi was a bit of a back and forth US darling until he flirted too much with a gold-based dinar currency aimed at competing with the petrodollar. But things are much better now that he was murdered in the open-air and now Libya can be an open-air slave market. “We came, we saw, he died.” Hilarious***. Now those that took over have some very easily refinable oil, if not refined manners.
Saddam Hussein was a similar friend to the US, even an ally– his behavior during the war with Iran was considered nifty. I don’t recall the US going in when he gassed the Kurds either. Maybe someone in DC frowned? Those Kurds sure don’t ever get a fair deal, do they? I can understand why they only trust mountains. And the moves that seemed to be regime threatening in Iraq involved that pesky petrodollar again.
I guess we’ve moved to a greener foreign policy when lithium regime change is replacing petroleum regime change. Thank you green economy.
Didn’t Morales recently step out of a joint deal  with a German firm to export lithium (which Bolivia claims to have over 70% of the world’s reserves)?  I think he did that like a second before he was discarded. Nationalized resources are not okay and the global south is supposed to be a poverty-stricken supplier. Teslas are for well-heeled Northern Californians, not Bolivians wearing those bowler hats! Ridiculous.
And all through the meddling, as well as the overt actions that cause increased misery in the world, the US public largely continues to believe in it all. The examples are all around us.
Something I noticed recently: This Veteran’s Day a spot on PBS spoke to issues of Native American participation in the military. The slant was broadly complimentary to military service (duh, of course it was on V-Day), but it was perhaps one of the worst widespread examples of Stockholm Syndrome I’ve seen. They were glorifying the sacrifices made by Natives in serving the US government, taking these dignified and proud individuals and supplanting the US Imperialism on the young people who had signed up. Don’t get me wrong, the tribal members were totally having it, deriving enormous self-worth from the experience. Even at the expense of PTSD and lost family members. It was a mind-fuck for sure. I worked on the White Mountain Apache reservation long ago and saw the manipulation first-hand–the desire many had to fit into the broader culture that had back-stabbed them and their ancestors. The end of the piece did a bit on individuals fighting against fracking and made mention that Standing Rock didn’t stop the pipeline, that the government prevailed, but it was framed like this was part of a personal journey for the veterans.  I would say this was an example of a warrior culture using that power to try to protect something sacred, the environment—to battle for something that matters, not being hijacked to go kill ________ (insert poor people of choice in latest military misadventure). It was a confused piece, made to tug at the heartstrings. Clearly you can be a minority in this country if you are a useful part of the machine is what I got out of it. This is how consent is manufactured, of course. You are revered if you do what you are supposed to do in that it helps the business of business. They get control of resources and you might get a body bag, but they will frame it as beautiful sacrifice and those of us who aren’t buying it are the ogres who hate rainbows,sunshine and motherhood. And this is just one small arena of propaganda.
The corporate agenda will continue to be pushed and despite all evidence, the average American won’t wonder why one ally can perpetrate horrific acts and another gets cast out for Trumped up reasons. Hell, most people are so tired they can’t think straight, let alone think critically.
Bolivia had a record of success in lifting many out of poverty and illiteracy. This will certainly go the other direction now that Jeanine Añez is at the helm. She seems to be quite adversarial to the indigenous, and they comprise 65% of Bolivia’s population. She has the saccharine hucksterism of a 40’s bible salesman. Definitely Trump ally material, maybe even Trump wife material?
Much like the scientific process strives to look towards the truth of how things really work, Smedley Butler gave us a framework that should be taken seriously—he described correctly how it all works and how these similar situations keep producing repeatable miserable results that keep the world in line for business extraction. He was a principled man who deserves to be remembered—his prescient warning regarding additional regime meddling and outright war have not lost the luster of truth. It’s going on as we speak.

More articles by:KATHLEEN WALLACE

Kathleen Wallace writes out of the US Midwest.
*  Zie:

 'VS vermoordde meer dan 20 miljoen mensen sinds het einde van WOII........' Tot het jaar 2000, waar deze eeuw intussen al meer dan 2,5 miljoen moorden aan toe zijn te voegen, moorden begaan door de VS en de NAVO (deze terreurorganisatie stond en staat onder militair opperbevel stond de VS, de grootste terreurentiteit op aarde...)....

'List of wars involving the United States'

'CIA 70 jaar: 70 jaar moorden, martelen, coups plegen, nazi's beschermen, media manipulatie enz. enz.........'

'VS commando's vechten o.a. in Midden- en Zuid-Amerika, aldus het VS ministerie van oorlog.........'

'De war on drugs is veel dodelijker dan over het algemeen gedacht'

** Zie: 

*** Dat zei hare kwaadaardigheid en oorlogsmisdadiger Hillary Clinton achteraf over de in feite door haar bij elkaar gehitste oorlog tegen Libië, waar dit land onder Khadaffi het rijkste land was van Afrika, waar man en vrouw gelijk waren en waar praktisch alles gratis was, zelfs studeren in het buitenland (inclusief een toelage om de huur te betalen en in het levensonderhoud te voorzien) en dat voor jongens en meisjes.... Na het ingrijpen van de VS en haar oorlogshond NAVO, is Libië één grote chaos en bijna het armste land van Afrika, waar het de bewoners aan alles ontbreekt en waar de vrouw terug is achter het aanrecht (meisjes mogen zelfs niet meer naar school...)...... 'Leve de westerse terreur!!'

Zie ook:
'Bolivia: OAS heeft gelogen over verkiezingen: Evo Morales onterecht afgezet middels staatsgreep!'

'Bolivia: de coup heeft alles te maken met grondstoffen'

'NOS liegt weer over Evo Morales (Boliviaanse president) die met coup werd afgezet'

'Bolivia coup een 'CIA job', aldus anonieme Duitse veiligheidsanalist, met lessen voor de toekomst'

'Bolivia: misdadigers die vechten voor het kapitalisme'

'NOS met fake news over Bolivia'

'Bolivianen eisen hun president terug'

'Bolivia: staatsgreep maakt eind aan succesvol presidentschap Evo Morales'

Bolivia’s Remarkable Socialist Success Story: President Evo Morales has transformed his country’s economy with an unapologetically left-wing agenda.

'NAVO gaat VS helpen in Zuid-Amerika terreur uit te oefenen: Colombia lid van de NAVO........'

'VS couppleger in Venezuela belooft VS Venezolaanse olie als hij de macht heeft overgenomen

'Halliburton en Chevron hebben groot belang bij 'regime change' in Venezuela' (zie de links in dat bericht naar meer artikelen over Venezuela)

'9 'ex-FARC rebellen' vermoord door leger Colombia: FARC-EP opgericht'

'Mensenrechten- en milieuactivisten worden massaal vermoord in Brazilië en Colombia, waar het laatste land NAVO bases heeft.......'

'Koenders heeft vrijlating gegijzelde Spoorloos makers in Colombia bewerkstelligt....... AUW!!!'

'Paus Franciscus in Colombia om vrede te prediken......'

'People of Brazil: my sincere condolences with 'your' fascistic, psychopathic president Bolsonaro......'

'VS commando's vechten o.a. in Midden- en Zuid-Amerika, aldus het VS ministerie van oorlog.........'

'NAVO naar Zuid-Amerika? Weg met dit agressieve, terroristische bondgenootschap, NU!!!'

'Bolton geeft toe dat de VS een fascistisch beleid voert......'

'Bolsonaro, de fascistische nieuwe president van Brazilië, werd volgens Avaaz en fake news brengers als de NYT gekozen door manipulatie via WhatsApp'

'Bolsonaro wint Braziliaanse verkiezingen >> weer zijn we een fascistisch geleid land 'rijker...''

'Braziliaanse verkiezingen: democratie versus (neo-) fascisme, ook een groot gevaar in Europa'

'Katy Sherriff (Radio1 correspondent Z-Amerika) brandt socialistische partij Brazilië af......'

donderdag 26 september 2019

Peter Schiff (econoom) waarschuwt voor het waanzinnige beleid van de Fed: 'failliet' van VS dreigt

Een econoom die bekend staat in de VS, t.w. Peter Schiff, heeft de vloer aangeveegd met het beleid van de Fed: rentedalingen en 'quantitative easing' (QE) doorvoeren (het laatste betekent grote hoeveelheden geld bijdrukken, zonder toegevoegde tegenwaarde)....

De rentedalingen zorgen voor het op spanning houden van de over de toeren draaiende huizenmarkt en veroorzaakt een beursbubbel, die beiden vroeg of laat tot een ramp leiden bij het imploderen van de prijzen, het beleid dat de Fed voert, leidt daar onherroepelijk vanzelf toe......

Volgens Chiff zal de VS het niet makkelijk krijgen bij volgende pogingen, daar China en Rusland, eerder geneigd schulden van de VS op te kopen, wel uitkijken dat nog langer te doen, immers de waardepapieren die ze bezitten zullen alleen maar minder waard worden..... De VS heeft nog één geluk en dat is de petrodollar, vandaar ook dat de CIA een opstand organiseerde in Libië daar Khadaffi al vergevorderde plannen had om een gouden dinar als betaalmiddel voor olietransacties te introduceren, een munt die in tegenstelling tot de dollar een tegenwaarde in goud zou hebben, waar de dollar gebakken lucht vertegenwoordigt.....*

Lullig genoeg is één ding zeker: als het financieel misgaat in de VS hebben we ook hier 'de failliete poppen' aan het dansen......

Peter Schiff on the Economy’s Fate: ‘We OD on Stimulus and We Destroy the Dollar’

Posted by JT Crowe | Sep 23, 2019 EconomyNews

Peter Schiff on the Economy’s Fate: ‘We OD on Stimulus and We Destroy the Dollar’

Economist Peter Schiff has been sounding the alarm of late regarding the Federal Reserve’s policies, and he thinks the central bank will take rates back to zero and restart quantitative easing — and that still will only further inflate the bubble before a massive collapse.

The Fed successfully pulled the U.S. economy out of the Great Recession by dropping interest rates all the way zero, where they remained for almost a decade, and with three rounds of QE, which has reflated the real estate bubble, blown up a bond bubble and helped pump up the stock market to new record highs.

Schiff, appearing on the Tom Woods Show last week, admitted he didn’t think the Fed would be able to rescue the economy last time around because he underestimated how the world would so quickly accept the previously outrageous QE — pumping new money into the economy through bond purchases — but things are different this time around.

Economist Peter Schiff has been sounding the alarm of late regarding the Federal Reserve’s policies, and he thinks the central bank will take rates back to zero and restart quantitative easing — and that still will only further inflate the bubble before a massive collapse.

The Fed successfully pulled the U.S. economy out of the Great Recession by dropping interest rates all the way zero, where they remained for almost a decade, and with three rounds of QE, which has reflated the real estate bubble, blown up a bond bubble and helped pump up the stock market to new record highs.

Schiff, appearing on the Tom Woods Show last week, admitted he didn’t think the Fed would be able to rescue the economy last time around because he underestimated how the world would so quickly accept the previously outrageous QE — pumping new money into the economy through bond purchases — but things are different this time around.

I don’t think we’re going to have a whole lot of help from those other countries who are already trying to minimize their exposure to the dollar now. I don’t think they’re really going to step it up in order to enable QE4.”

Another problem facing the Fed this time around are monstrous deficits already in excess of $1 trillion compared to the $250-$300 billion deficits the country had at the time under President George W. Bush.

Is there any way the Federal Reserve can monetize $3 or $4 trillion per year of government debt without the dollar falling and without igniting a bigger increase in inflation?” Schiff said. “If the Fed tried to inject enough stimulus into this economy to try to reflate an even bigger bubble than the ones we already have, I just think the economy dies of an overdose. We overdose on stimulus and we destroy the dollar. And then we have massive inflation.

But what would be required to stop it would be so politically damaging in the short-run that they may opt not to stop it, which is even worse. It just happens a little bit later.”
* Khadaffi had voor de invoering van die dinar een enorme goudvoorraad aangelegd, die 'vreemd genoeg' verdwenen was nadat de VS en andere NAVO-lidstaten Libië in 2011 een jaar of 70 terug in de tijd hebben gebombardeerd, tja waar zou dat goud zijn???? (waarschijnlijk verdeeld tussen de VS, Groot-Brittannië en Frankrijk (met wat fooien voor de terreurgroepen die door het westen werden bewapend, getraind en van rollend oorlogstuig voorzien)..... Wellicht dat ook nog een paar NAVO-lidstaten wat goud hebben ontvangen als beloning voor de steun aan deze zoveelste illegale oorlog van de VS tegen een soeverein land.... Voor het ingrijpen was Libië het rijkste land van Afrika waar het niemand aan iets ontbrak en dat veelal gratis...... Nu behoort Libië tot de armste landen van Afrika, waar het de bevolking aan van alles ontbreekt en is het land in chaos gedompeld, een land waar nu zelfs openbare slavenmarkten worden gehouden, alles met dank aan de VS en een aantal andere NAVO-lidstaten, waaronder Nederland (ja, ook met ons belastinggeld!).....