Moet u nagaan, alcohol beschouwt Duterte niet als drug, terwijl deze harddrug verreweg de meeste slachtoffers maakt!! Alleen in Nederland al gemiddeld 12 per dag, kan u nagaan hoeveel alcoholdoden er dagelijks in de Filipijnen vallen, waar men daarnaast ook nog wel eens zelf stookt, door die zelf gebrouwen troep, vallen niet zelden een fiks aantal doden......
De Lima heeft zelfs het buitenland opgeroepen orde op zaken te komen stellen, nadat Duterte het volk opriep iedereen te vermoorden, die iets met drugs te maken heeft*. Intussen zijn hierdoor al meer dan 7.000 moorden gepleegd.......
Het is met deze arrestatie dan ook duidelijk, dat Duterte de Lima uit de weg wil ruimen, immers als je verdacht bent van betrokkenheid bij drugshandel (op wat voor manier dan ook) loop je niet alleen op straat of thuis de kans vermoord te worden, maar ook in de cel is je leven daar niet veilig, zelfs niet in een politiecel........
Leila de Lima is niet alleen jurist, maar ook senator! Met andere woorden: ook de democratie wordt ernstig geschaad met deze meer dan belachelijke arrestatie.
Gisteren kreeg ik een petitie toegestuurd van het Care2 team (met een paar foute data, de rest klopt als een bus). Lees en teken de petitie a.u.b. het kost u maar een paar minuten! Geeft het a.u.b. door aan familie, vrienden en bekenden!
She was a senator - now she's a political prisoner
Leila de Lima from wrongful imprisonment!

Urge the Philippines to release Leila de Lima now. Sign the petition!
The Philippines is drowning in blood. Starting last year, President Duterte has decided to fight drugs in the worst way possible: by murdering drug users and small dealers. Only a few people have dared to raise their voice in the Philippines to criticize this violence and inhumanity. And one of them is Leila de Lima.
De Lima has tirelessly denounced the bloody war on drugs, which has claimed thousands of lives. Last year, she led a Senate probe to investigate extrajudicial killings in President Duterte's drug crackdown. This past Tuesday, she pointedly criticized President Duterte. By Thursday, the police had issued a warrant for her arrest.
The government claimed she was receiving money from drug traffickers, but that doesn't match the facts. De Lima has always had an exemplary record, and her only crime seems to be voicing her dissent. Human rights organizations around the world agree: this is political persecution. President Duterte is using harsh drug laws to silence voices critical of his administration.
It's time for people across the globe to unite to help Filipinos like Leila de Lima, who want to protect human rights and bring an end to Duterte's bloody tyranny. Help free Leila de Lima so she can continue her important work in defense of human rights. Sign the petition demanding that the Philippine government release her immediately!
Trouwens, opvallend dat de politiek doodstil is, naast een enkele veroordeling van het beleid dat Duterte voert, wordt aan deze arrestatie geen aandacht besteed. Men wil deze psychopathische moordenaar vooral niet voor de schenen schoppen......... Het is duidelijk dat figuren als PvdA jaknikker Koenders, de handelsbelangen alweer ver voor mensenrechten laten gaan. De gang van zaken op de Filipijnen had op z'n minst moeten leiden tot het naar huis sturen van de Filipijnse ambassadeurs, althans in de EU landen........
Voor meer berichten n.a.v. het bovenstaande, klik op één van de labels, die u onder dit bericht terug kan vinden.
Where do you get your informations sir? To be accurate, you should go the Philippines and get your facts straight. Do not rely from the Philippines mainstream media because they are just corrupt and being paid. Just for clarifications, De lima is not a political prisoner. do your research thoroughly. The Department of Justice filed three criminal complaints against Sen. Leila De Lima for allegedly being involved in the proliferation of illegal drugs at the New Bilibid Prison (NBP).
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThe senator allegedly received money from drug convicts in exchange of their protection during her term as Justice secretary and there are enough evidences against her.
De Lima is charged in violation of Section 5 of the Dangerous Drugs Act which penalizes the sale, trading, administration, dispensation, delivery, distribution and transportation of illegal drugs.
The penalty for this violation ranges from 12 to 20 years of imprisonment and a fine of P100,000 to P500,000.
Pls. Stop spreading this news with no firsthand bases and whom you do not know what is really happening in the country. Do you follow the news? If you are interested to know more, then I can make an appointment with you to invite you in to an open forum in Den Haag to answer question on what's happening in the country. Like to come?
Dear Ams Huijsing,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI got my information a.o. from Care2, as you could read, furthermore from BBC World Service and a few other media outlets.
You live in the Philippines, I guess. Do you think it's normal how your country deals with alledged drug criminals? Did you ever hear of fair justice or human rights?
Do you know what's the most dangerous harddrug, that is consumed in large proportions in the Philippines and that causes the far most drugdeads? Yes: Alcohol! If I'm not mistaken your fascist president Duterte is using this harddrug himself!
And no, my time is too precious, tot be spilled on fascist supporters.
By the way: strange de Lima was imprisoned, after she gave harsh comments on the fascist way of making politics by your president Duterte and his death-squads, what a coincidence......
With kind regards.
Hahaha! Still the majority of the Filipinos do not agree with you. Death squads? You really do not know what's the real score. i live in Davao city and I can attest to that there is no such DDS. What is your proof to that? By the way, de lima is not imprisoned because of her critiscms to Duterte. She is a drug lord protector. Investigation is going on. Check all the crimes related to drugs. What about justice to all the victims of drug criminals? Check how rampant it was in Bilibid prison during De lima's time. Are u sure that De lima is not accountable for that? EJK's? It has been happening long time before Duterte came to power. You really do not know the real case. Liberal Party just like to overthrow Duterte because because they like to regain power...regain their corruption, protecting illegal drugs and mining etc. You should make time to dig your facts, rather than making time of spreading fake informations. This' also from BBC and understand. Try to dig more. Interview and take the other side of the story. Who knows, you'll get more engagement in your blog, if you present a fair and unbiased report. Thanks.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenDear Ams Huijsing,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIsn't more than 7.000 murdered people, only suspected of having something to do with 'drugs', more than enough proof, of murderous psychopathic groups raging through your country?
In the meanwhile the harddrug alcohol causes the most deaths, direct and indirect.
I advise you to read my article and my reaction on yours once again.
Duterte is a psychopathic muderer and has all the signs of becoming the next dictator in your country.
People are easy manipulated bij the mass media in your country, media that speak the false and hatred words of Duterte (not in the least, out of fear being labled as a drug user, trafficker or as a 'drug lord protector....').....
People get murdered in police cells in your country, maybe you don't find this disturbing, but let me tell you, that extrajudicial killings (in a police cell or in the streets) don't belong in a democracy, but in a dictatorial ruled country!!
Klick on the labels under my article for more, for instance about fascist Duterte.
With kind regards.