Volgens de Democraten gebruikt Trump 'Obamagate' om daarmee de aandacht af te leiden van de enorme blunders van de Trump administraite op het Coronadossier...... Johnstone gelooft daar duidelijk niet in, terwijl er wel degelijk een vorm van waarheid inzit.
Voor de
claim van de Democraten dat de Russen de servers van het Democratic National Committee (DNC) zouden hebben gehackt (een onderdeel van Russiagate), is
geen schijn aan bewijs geleverd en toch blijft men daar volhouden dat
dit wel het geval was, e.e.a. gesteund door de reguliere westerse (massa-)
media, die in deze op de hand van de Democraten zijn......(en media van wie de spuugrijke eigenaren Rusland het liefst zoveel mogelijk gedemoniseerd willen zien.....)
Je zou
denken dat dit allemaal van weinig of geen belang is, echter het gaat
hier wel om de VS, het machtigste land ter wereld, met meer dan 800
militaire bases over de wereld, een land dat desgewenst morgen weer
een illegale oorlog kan beginnen op basis van leugens en false flag
Als je
ziet hoe smerig men in de VS bezig is om elkaar de loef af te steken
en dat geheel in het openbaar, voedt dit de vrees dat de VS tot alles in
staat is***, zelfs het voeren van een zogenaamde beperkte kernoorlog (een contradictio in terminis, immers ieder gebruik van
kernwapens zal tot een wereldwijde kernoorlog leiden waarbij men elkaar
zal proberen te vernietigen en zal men de aarde
voor de mens en een enorm aantal diersoorten onbewoonbaar maken, althans als een aantal van deze mensen en dieren zo'n oorlog al kunnen overleven....)....
De ruzie tussen de Democraten en de
Republikeinen toont m.i. nog eens aan dat men zelfs lak heeft aan de
eigen bevolking, men liegt er keihard op los en hoopt zo de burgers
over te halen om in november op de kandidaat van hun keus te
stemmen...... Ofwel men heeft schijt aan de kiezer, liegt die 4 jaar
lang voor en doet er nog een schep bovenop als de verkiezingen in
aantocht zijn......
En toch
doet men alles om nog enigszins aan te tonen dat men ethisch en
moreel zuiver handelt, waarden die men ook gebruikt om aan te tonen
dat de VS weer een massamoord moet plegen om 'democratie te brengen
en corruptie uit te bannen' in het land van keuze (dat ofwel een
strategische ligging heeft, dan wel bodemschatten heeft die de VS
voor zich wil houden, neem Venezuela dat voor beide zaken
Why “Obamagate” Will Never Lead To Anything Of Significance
by Caitlin Johnstone
word "Obamagate" was thrust
into mainstream attention
by the concerted efforts
of Trump
and his surrogates after new details on the early days of the
Trump-Russia collusion investigation emerged. These details
include Obama
officials (including Joe Biden)
requesting the unmasking
of a conversation between Flynn and Russian ambassador Sergey
Kislyak, the FBI's then-counterintelligence director discussing
trying to get Michael Flynn to lie
during his interrogation
about the Kislyak call,
and the revelation that there was never
any concrete evidence
that Russia hacked the DNC.
are important revelations that are worthy of mainstream attention,
but like basically everything else in this stupid, stupid timeline
this issue has instead been reduced to the stagnation of vapid
partisan squabbling. Democrats and their allied media are finger
wagging at Trump for using "conspiracy theories" to
distract from his coronavirus failures, and "MAGA"****
pundits once again beating the tired old drum that this scandal
is going to bring down major Deep State players and drain the swamp
once and for all.
since 2016 both of America's mainstream political parties have been
taking turns screaming at the top of their lungs that
earth-shattering revelations are right around the corner which are
about to obliterate the other party any minute now, and if you're
still buying into this show I highly recommend you also take up
watching WWE*****, because you'll definitely love it.
RAY McGOVERN: New House Documents Sow Further Doubt That Russia Hacked the DNC https://consortiumnews.com/2020/05/09/ray-mcgovern-new-house-documents-sow-further-doubt-that-russia-hacked-the-dnc/ …
any normal standard, former FBI Director Comey would now be in
serious legal trouble, as should [former Director of National
Intelligence James] Clapper, former CIA Director John Brennan, et
al," Ray McGovern wrote
for Consortium
the other day. "Additional evidence of FBI misconduct under
Comey seems to surface every week — whether the abuses of FISA,
misconduct in the case against Gen. Michael Flynn, or misleading
everyone about Russian hacking of the DNC. If I were attorney
general, I would declare Comey a flight risk and take his passport.
And I would do the same with Clapper and Brennan."
this would be the "normal standard", yet it hasn't
happened. Neither Comey nor Clapper nor Brennan are in any legal
trouble at all, nor will they be, nor will any other major player
responsible for leading America on a crazy collusion wild goose chase
which accomplished nothing but distracting
from real issues
and manufacturing consent for mountains
of cold war escalations
against Russia.
will never see Obama or his administration officials brought down by
"Obamagate" for the same reason Trump wasn't brought down
by the Mueller investigation: the
swamp protects its own.
Both Obama and Trump administrations are packed full of crooks and
mass murderers who could and should be imprisoned for any number of
offenses, but they won't be, because that would require a
prosecutorial body that is separate from the swamp of corruption with
which both of America's mainstream parties are inexorably interwoven.
You cannot use the swamp to drain the swamp.
you know why Trump never made good on his campaign platform of
locking up Hillary Clinton? Besides the fact that their entire
conflict has always been fake, I mean? The Trump administration could
easily have found grounds upon which to prosecute Clinton if they
wanted to, but going after a loyal establishment swamp monster would
have brought the wrath of the entire swamp down upon him. As soon as
he had a political opponent in office, if not before, Trump would
himself be facing criminal prosecution. By collaborating with the
swamp you ensure your own protection, and by attacking it you ensure
your destruction.
A fundamental point that many Russiagate-peddling left pundits -- including fake "adversarial" voices like @mehdirhasan -- cannot process in their minds, because doing so would threaten their club membership. Russiagate helps clarify where priorities really lie. https://twitter.com/MarkSaw43180398/status/1260285597173735424 …
why no serious attempt has ever been made to remove Trump from
office; he's been
playing nice with existing power structures
without challenging them in any meaningful way. Everyone who knew
anything was aware that the Mueller collusion would never go
anywhere, and anyone who could count Senate seats knew impeachment
would fizzle. It was all kayfabe conflict so that Trump's
"opposition" could present the appearance of opposition
without interfering in agendas they themselves support or prosecuting
crimes of which they themselves are also guilty.
also why Obama never
had any intention
of prosecuting Bush's heinous war crimes, citing "a belief
that we need to look forward as opposed to looking backwards".
In reality Obama always understood that in order to play the
"president" role (and enjoy its massive
for the rest of his life), he'd need to collaborate with
establishment power structures rather than upsetting them. He knew
that if he were to go after Bush he'd ensure his own destruction;
under "normal standards" prosecution is the only sane and
normal response to war crimes, but in the Mutually Assured
Destruction (MAD) environment of establishment corruption, there are no
normal standards.
point this out because it's painful to watch people on both sides
continually getting their hopes up that the big KABOOM is right
around the corner which will finally vindicate their worldview and
punish their partisan rivals. It will not happen. Trump will not
drain the swamp, and neither will Biden or whatever soulless swamp
monster inhabits the White House next. You were lied to. It's good to
be aware of surveillance abuses, mass-scale psyops and media
malpractice, but definitely abandon hope that any of this will lead
to any major changes in the establishment itself.
we want real change, it cannot and will not come from either of the
two mainstream political factions whose primary job is preventing
real change. It's going to have to come from the people; we're going
to have to find a way to punch through the propaganda brainwashing,
wake up to reality, and use the power of our numbers to force the
changes which will benefit us past all the oligarchic safeguards that
have been placed in front of us to prevent us from doing so.
is a lot less pleasant than believing some magical hero in a white
hat is going to ride in and do all our work for us and all we need to
do is relax and "trust the plan". It's a lot less
comfortable than expunging the fake two-party worldview from our
minds which vast fortunes and years of conditioning have gone into
manufacturing. But it is reality.
for reading! The best way to get around the internet censors and make
sure you see the stuff I publish is to subscribe to the mailing list
for my website,
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| May 14, 2020 at 1:25 am | Tags: #Trump,
| Categories: Article
| URL: https://wp.me/p9tj6M-28W
=================================* Obamagate is m.i. niets anders dan een andere benaming voor Russiagate, een term die Trump eerder gebruikte nadat de Democraten hem beschuldigden van samenwerking met Rusland, waarvoor men geen steekhoudend bewijs kon leveren. Onlangs werd dit woord geherintroduceerd door Trump nadat Obama zich in het openbaar met zijn Coronabeleid bemoeide.
** Een false flag operatie is het begaan van een zware misdaad en de schuld daarvoor in de schoenen schuiven van een ander (veelal democratisch gekozen) bewind, een bewind dat men in de VS wil vervangen voor desnoods een dictator, zolang deze maar doet wat de VS wil dat er gebeurt in dat land en die voorts fungeert als een lakei die de belangen van de VS behartigt (bijvoorbeeld grote VS bedrijven vrijbaan geven...)....
*** Dezelfde VS dat alleen deze eeuw al 4 illegale oorlogen is begonnen, waarbij tot nu toe meer dan 2,5 mensen zijn omgekomen, ofwel die zijn in feite vermoord door de VS en haar hielenlikkende andere NAVO-lidstaten, zoals Nederland, dat in Hawija 70 mensen vermoordde middels een bombardement, waar volgens deskundigen het werkelijke aantal doden veel hoger moet liggen...... Schande dat hare CDA hufterigheid Bijleveld al stumperend een moetie van wantrouwen overleefde, terwijl zij alleen op basis van deze aanval de eer aan zichzelf had moeten houden, maar ja, het woord 'eer' komt in de meeste woordenboeken van politici al lang niet meer voor.....
**** WWE: World Wrestling Entertainment, je weet wel van die belachelijke worstel vertoningen, waarvan velen denken dat de aanvallen op elkaar echt gebeuren.....
***** MAGA: Make America Great Again.
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