Hier de link naar de petitie van Korean Dogs gericht aan het Nederlandse team om zich uit te spreken tegen de uiterst smerige handel in katten- en hondenvlees.
Take a stand in Pyeongchang 2018 against the dog and cat meat trade!
Francisco, CA
4, 2017 — The
clock is ticking. PyeongChang, host to the 2018 Winter Olympics - the
world will be watching South Korea, which is why this is the perfect
time for you take action to support our campaign to end the horrific
dog and cat meat trade in South Korea for good!

We have campaigns asking Olympic teams to take a stand and speak out against this shameful trade. You can help by signing and sharing our petition, sending out letters and emails, and raising awareness of this brutal and barbaric practice and calling for an end to the trade by exposing this issue in social media. Below are new campaigns. Please click each to take action. Thank you!
• Andorra: http://koreandogs.org/pc2018-andorra/
• Latvia: http://koreandogs.org/pc2018-latvia/
• Liechtenstein: http://koreandogs.org/pc2018-liechtenstein/
• Bulgaria: http://koreandogs.org/pc2018-bulgaria/
• Slovakia: http://koreandogs.org/pc2018-slovakia/
Click here to see the complete list of campaigns - National Olympic Committees: Take a stand in Pyeongchang 2018 against the dog and cat meat trade!
Hier nogmaals de link naar de petitie gericht aan het Nederlandse team om zich uit te spreken tegen de handel in katten- en hondenvlees.
Click here to join the Thunderclap – “Boycott PyeongChang 2018 Campaign”! http://koreandogs.org/thunderclap-boycott-pc2018/
Video: The Korea Observer’s documentary “The Dog Meat Professional: South Korea”http://koreandogs.org/dmp/
Thank you.
Compassion Through Action!
Homepage: http://koreandogs.org/
Petitions: http://koreandogs.org/petitions/
Call the South Korean Embassy and Consulate General Offices in your country: http://koreandogs.org/call-south-korean-embassy

We have campaigns asking Olympic teams to take a stand and speak out against this shameful trade. You can help by signing and sharing our petition, sending out letters and emails, and raising awareness of this brutal and barbaric practice and calling for an end to the trade by exposing this issue in social media. Below are new campaigns. Please click each to take action. Thank you!
• Andorra: http://koreandogs.org/pc2018-andorra/
• Latvia: http://koreandogs.org/pc2018-latvia/
• Liechtenstein: http://koreandogs.org/pc2018-liechtenstein/
• Bulgaria: http://koreandogs.org/pc2018-bulgaria/
• Slovakia: http://koreandogs.org/pc2018-slovakia/
Click here to see the complete list of campaigns - National Olympic Committees: Take a stand in Pyeongchang 2018 against the dog and cat meat trade!
Hier nogmaals de link naar de petitie gericht aan het Nederlandse team om zich uit te spreken tegen de handel in katten- en hondenvlees.
Click here to join the Thunderclap – “Boycott PyeongChang 2018 Campaign”! http://koreandogs.org/thunderclap-boycott-pc2018/
Video: The Korea Observer’s documentary “The Dog Meat Professional: South Korea”http://koreandogs.org/dmp/
Thank you.
Compassion Through Action!
Homepage: http://koreandogs.org/
Petitions: http://koreandogs.org/petitions/
Call the South Korean Embassy and Consulate General Offices in your country: http://koreandogs.org/call-south-korean-embassy

Zie ook: 'Olympische Spelen in Pyeongchang: dierenmishandeling en de handel in honden en kattenvlees......'
en: 'Blokhuijsen onder druk gezet excuus te maken over opmerking barbaarse dierenmishandeling en eten van honden in Zuid-Korea........'
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