De gek stelde onder meer, dat god de mens boven het dier heeft gesteld en deze naar behoeven mag vermoorden t.b.v. het eigen welbevinden (door het lijk op te eten)...... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!
Wat vreemd dan, dat diezelfde god, die volgens de gelovigen, zoals in dit geval Mike Moon, onze ingewanden niet heeft aangepast voor het eten van vlees!!
Moon had nog het gore lef te zeggen, dat god van ons eist dieren netjes groot te brengen, voor ze te vermoorden....... Het is in Nederland bar en boos wat betreft het groot brengen van dieren, neem de megastallen, een ware hel op aarde voor dieren, echter in de VS gaat dit nog een keer zover, daar lacht men over wat wij megastallen noemen......
Uiteraard is zijn weerstand tegen het zelfbeschikkingsrecht van vrouwen over hun eigen lichaam, uitermate schandalig. Zeker als je bedenkt dat het overgrote deel van de republikeinen zelfs gekant is tegen voedselbonnen. Met andere woorden: eenmaal geboren mogen de kinderen sterven, zoals de republikeinen het ook normaal vinden om kinderen voor het leger te ronselen. om in landen waar de VS niets te zoeken heeft, illegale oorlogen te voeren...... Oorlogen waarbij deze kinderen niet alleen in grote getale om het leven komen, maar ook een ongelofelijk aantal kinderslachtoffers maken, van baby's tot tieners..........
Ach ja, niemand hypocrieter dan een gelovige!!
Missouri Lawmaker Beheads Chicken … to Make a Point About Abortion
By: Robin Marty June 14, 2017
Debate continues to rage between pro-life and pro-choice activists about when life begins and must be protected. One topic that hasn’t been considered? The similarities between abortion and chicken slaughter. Well, now, thanks to one Missouri legislator, that is up for discussion.
what was no doubt the most bizarre moment of last week, anti-abortion
GOP state legislator Mike Moon prepared for the new “nothing but
abortion” special session of the Missouri legislature by killing a
chicken — and posting the video on Youtube.
the governor called for the second special session this year, I was
right in the middle of my summer job. But like any good career
politician, when I get the call (breaks
to behead chicken),
I’m going back to work,” Rep. Moon said on his video, according
to the Missouri
Times. ”God
gave us man dominion over life. He allows us to raise animals
properly and care for them and then process them for food so we can
sustain life. And that’s what I’m doing here with this chicken.
So we’ve been called back to this special session for the primary
purpose of supporting life, protecting the unborn specifically. I
think we need to get to the heart of the matter here (pulls
out chicken’s heart).
So today, I’m filing a bill that will lead to the stopping of
abortion in the state of Missouri and I hope you’ll support it.”
later told reporters that he wasn’t really trying to compare
butchering a chicken to abortion, despite the video’s message.
“In an interview with the News-Leader, Moon said he doesn’t understand how people could infer that he was making a comparison between terminating a fetus and butchering a bird,” reports Will Schmidt of the Springfield News-Leader. ”Moon acknowledged that he was trying to convey a message about abortion: in his mind, his fellow Republicans have not been willing to take a ‘hard vote’ on banning abortion. When Moon grabbed the chicken’s heart — while talking about ‘getting to the heart of the matter’ — that was his way of saying that regulating abortions to make sure they occur in clean facilities is not enough. He wants abortion to stop in Missouri and filed a bill to try and make that happen.”
example may have been horrifying and completely unnecessary, but he
is far from the only politician to compare abortion and animal
welfare — often to the detriment of the pregnant people wanting a
an Alabama
legislator complained
that people could be fined hundreds of thousands of dollars for
destroying a bald eagle egg, yet women can’t be thrown in jail for
terminating their pregnancies.
opponents in Massachusetts have complained that vet offices
require a license
to operate,
while abortion clinics do not, stating, “Don’t you want to treat
a woman who was in a crisis better than a dog or cat?”
the Illinois
legislature used
to be a big fan of sending abortion restriction bills through the
farming and agriculture committee, essentially equating those
who could get pregnant to livestock.
Moon may have been the most explicit of them all when he said
directly stated, ”God gave man dominion over life,” he is
only saying what so many far-right social conservative lawmakers
believe: it is a man’s job to make decisions about “life.”
thank you to Moon for teaching us a real — albeit extremely graphic
— lesson about what is really at the “heart” of the
anti-abortion movement: man’s complete and utter control, be it
over livestock or women.
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en: 'Pechtold (D66) moet er niet aan denken met de ChristenUnie te regeren......... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'
en: 'Dierenmishandeling: brandweer liet kippenstal met 80.000 kippen 'gecontroleerd uitbranden.......''
en: 'Dierenmishandeling: psychopaten gaan tekeer op Belgische kippenfokkerij........'
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