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your bank funding companies putting forests and people at risk? The
world’s worst forest destroyers rely on big banks to fund their
destruction around the globe.Click
here to demand big banks stop financing forest destruction. If we cut
off their money, they can’t cut down the forests.
is often the case with international banking, there's not enough
oversight to stop banks from lending money to companies putting
forests and people at risk. That’s why RAN is proud to announce our
latest tool for both activists and financial, business, CSR and
environmental professionals. See
what the biggest banks are really funding here. Banks
may offer to save trees by emailing you your bank statement, but
their loans to palm oil, pulp and paper, timber and rubber companies
are anything but green. Worse still, even many banks and
investors with sustainable investment policies are still
funding ‘forest-risk’ companies.
That's why we're demanding strict rules for the financiers of companies involved in tropical deforestation. Banks can stop investing in human rights abuses, deforestation, species extinction and carbon pollution - and we need to push them to do exactly that.Can you sign on to our call for tough new rules to prevent banks from financing forest destruction?
It’s time for banks to start investing in the planet’s future — not its failure. Our new site shines a spotlight on the big banks which are financing companies involved in tropical deforestation. Together we can put pressure on them to stop the bulldozers and preserve our priceless forests forever. There’s no better investment than that.Click here to join RAN’s forest & finance campaign and regulate the big banks.
Forests and Finance Campaign Director
Rainforest Action Network
That's why we're demanding strict rules for the financiers of companies involved in tropical deforestation. Banks can stop investing in human rights abuses, deforestation, species extinction and carbon pollution - and we need to push them to do exactly that.Can you sign on to our call for tough new rules to prevent banks from financing forest destruction?
It’s time for banks to start investing in the planet’s future — not its failure. Our new site shines a spotlight on the big banks which are financing companies involved in tropical deforestation. Together we can put pressure on them to stop the bulldozers and preserve our priceless forests forever. There’s no better investment than that.Click here to join RAN’s forest & finance campaign and regulate the big banks.
Forests and Finance Campaign Director
Rainforest Action Network
To see our new tool in action, check outforestsandfinance.org
to watch a video, explore the data
and read the stories.
Direct hierboven een link (overigens geldt dit ook voor de tweede en derde link in dit RAN bericht) naar de webpagina van RAN, waar u kan doorklikken naar o.a. het rapport waarin alle banken worden genoemd, die zich op dezelfde schoftenmanier gedragen, voorts kan u daar klikken op een video waar in een paar stappen simpel wordt uitgelegd, hoe e.e.a. in elkaar steekt.
Jammer genoeg (en vreemd genoeg) kunnen wij de petitie niet tekenen, die is alleen voor de bevolking van de VS bedoeld.......
ABN Amro (nog steeds staatsbank) en daarmee onze overheid, helpt mee de orang oetan uit te roeien en zorgt daarbij voor enorme luchtvervuiling, daar men o.a. op Borneo keer op keer oerwoud in de fik steekt, om zo plek vrij te maken voor palmolieplantages........ En de Rabobank? Ach, dat was altijd al een behoorlijk foute bank, niet vreemd dus, dat ze meehelpen oerwouden plat te gooien, zoals ze daar ook in Zuid-Amerika aan meewerken.......
Zie ook: 'Rabobank: 'Growing a better world together...' AUW!!!'
en: 'Rabobank 'Growing a better world together', zonder aandacht voor mensenrechten........'
en: 'Friesland Campina en Rabobank komen met vals groen label voor melkveehouders.......'
en: 'Suikerquota verdwijnen: goed volgens de Rabobank, zo kan de concurrentie groeien en kunnen we de wereld volproppen met geraffineerd suikergif.....'
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