De VS heeft in het verleden meermaals de afwezigheid van Putin gebruikt om de situatie in Oost-Europa op scherp te zetten en daarmee Rusland voor het blok te zetten, aldus Roberts, die o.a. wijst op de door de VS geïnitieerde invasie van Zuid-Ossetië, toen Putin de Olympische Spelen in China bezocht.
Nu worden Syrië en Rusland door de media in een groot deel van de wereld beschuldigd van oorlogsmisdaden, terwijl deze klachten geen steek houden.... Neem de gasaanvallen door het reguliere Syrische leger: achteraf bleek telkens weer, dat de 'gematigde rebellen' (lees: psychopathische moordenaars) achter deze aanvallen zaten....... Een VN rapport weersprak de feiten nog eens en zo dacht men Syrië voor een paar van de gasaanvallen verantwoordelijk te kunnen stellen, terwijl Syrië onder druk van Rusland haar chemische wapens allang had afgedankt......
Na enige tijd kwam de waarheid naar buiten, de zogenaamde bewijzen voor die gasaanvallen kwamen van de 'gematigde rebellen', een mafketel in Engeland (die zichzelf een humanitaire Syrische NGO noemt, aantoonbaar kletskoek verkoopt en volop wordt geciteerd door de reguliere media) en van coalitie militairen, die e.e.a. bevestigen, maar daar nooit de bewijzen voor leverden....... Om over de bedriegers die zich de White Helmets noemen, maar helemaal te zwijgen: meermaals werden deze terroristen (-helpers) gefotografeerd met wapens in de hand en zelfs met het omhoog houden van door hen vermoorden burgers.......
Zoals u al kon lezen: feiten doen er in deze oorlog allang niet meer toe, Assad en Putin moeten hangen, dus blijft men in de politiek en de media de leugens verkondigen over Syrische en Russische oorlogsmisdaden.........
De VS heeft Rusland in de val gelokt, met gesprekken over een wapenstilstand en een oplossing van 'het conflict' in Syrië, waarvan Putin moet hebben geweten, dat Washington zich hier niet aan zou houden..... Tot nu toe hebben de 'gematigde' terreurgroepen zich niet aan één wapenstilstand gehouden, mede onder druk van Saoedi-Arabië, Turkije en...... het VS commando in Syrië/Irak........
De Russen hebben het agressieve westen meermaals gewaarschuwd, dat het te ver gaat in het oosten van Europa en keer op keer doet het westen net of de neus bloed. Sterker nog: de westerse politici, de NAVO onder aanvoering van de VS en de reguliere westerse media beschuldigen Rusland van agressie in Oost-Europa..... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! Ja, ze durven godverdomme wel hè, jezus!!
Terecht merkt Roberts op, dat een groot deel van de westerse bevolking denkt dat het niet tot een kernoorlog zal komen met Rusland, terwijl Groot-Brittannië en de VS al een paar maanden geleden hebben aangegeven, een eerste aanval met kernwapens niet uit te sluiten. Het doel werd toen niet genoemd, echter dat dit Rusland moet zijn, staat buiten kijf......
We dansen op de rand van de vulkaan en de VS duwt ons ongezien langzaam over de rand....... Het grootste deel van de westerse politici, 'opiniemakers', oorlogshitsers als de Wijk en de reguliere westerse media helpen mee (vaak zelfs gezamenlijk), het grootste deel van de bevolking dom te houden, zodat deze burgers niet door hebben, dat ze bijna in de gloeiendhete vulkaan donderen.........
By Cooperating With Washington On Syria Russia Walked Into A Trap
Craig Roberts
month ago I wrote a column , “He Who Hesitates Is Lost—And Russia
Hesitated.” The
consequences of this hesitation are now apparent:
A UN report orchestrated by Washington has accused Syria and Russia
of war crimes in Aleppo. According to the report, “indiscriminate
airstrikes across the eastern part of the city by Government forces
and their allies [Russia] are responsible for the overwhelming
majority of civilian casualties. These violations constitute war
crimes. And if knowingly committed as part of a widespread or
systematic attack directed against civilians, they constitute crimes
UN Human Rights Council has now voted to start an “independent”
investigation. The purpose of the investigation is to indict Russia
and Putin as war criminals and to “bring to justice those
responsible for the alleged abuses.” Moreover, “the situation
should be urgently referred to the International Criminal Court.
Every party to this conflict must know that they will be held
accountable for the international crimes they commit – all, without
selective protection or discrimination.” Keep in mind that
Washington provides the largest share of the UN’s budget, and the
UN will overlook that it was Washington that sent ISIS to Aleppo.
neither Washington nor the UN will be able to drag Putin into the
International Criminal Court, but a war criminal charge can serve
Washington’s purpose by stopping Putin from traveling abroad and
curtailing his diplomatic efforts. The purpose of this orchestrated
exercise is its propaganda value. Among Washington’s many concerns
is that some Eastern European countries, alarmed by the conflict that
Washington is leading them into with Russia, will threaten NATO with
a non-participation statement. If Russia is branded a war criminal,
it becomes even more difficult for countries that foolishly and
thoughtlessly joined NATO to extricate themselves from the
Washington has succeeded in bringing to power in Poland the far
right-wing Law and Justice Party. These agents of Washington have
re-opened the matter of the death of Poland’s President Kaczynski
in a plane crash, making wild claims that the crash was a terror
attack by Russia aimed at depriving Poland of its political
massive and convincing evidence to the contrary, the Law and Justice
Party’s claims will find traction thanks to the scary portrait of
Russia painted by Washington’s demonization campaign. The intended
result is to further blacken and isolate Russia and its government.
As the anointed spokesperson for the neoconservative warmongers,
Hillary wants Washington to enforce a no-fly zone in Syria. A no-fly
zone would require Washington to attemp to prevent Syrian and Russian
air strikes against ISIS positions. It seems clear enough that Syria
and Russia would not accept any attempt to deny Syria the use of the
country’s own airspace in the conflict against forces sent by
Washington to overthrow the Syrian government, as happened to Gaddafi
in Libya. Unless Russia and Syria surrender, Hillary’s no-fly zone
would result in military conflict between Russia and the US.
advance the no-fly zone proposal, the “use of chemical weapons”
ruse has been resurrected. Fabricated reports are appearing that the
Syrian airforce is guilty of dropping chemical weapons on the Syrian
population. On October 22, the Indian
Express reported
that on October 21 the UN-Led Joint Investigative Mechanism informed
the UN Security Council that the chemical attack on Qmenas “was
caused by a Syrian Arab Armed Forces helicopter dropping a device
from a high altitude which hit the ground and released the toxic
substance that affected the population.” The report concluded that
three of the chemical attacks investigated were made by Syria and one
by the Islamic
fact that the Russians resolved the chemical weapons issue in 2014, a
year before the alleged attack on Qmenas, by taking possession of the
weapons and removing them from Syria means that the report has little
credibility. However,
at no time during Washington’s 15-year-old attack on Muslim
countries have facts played any role, and certainly facts have played
no role in Washington’s demonization of Russia.
Diana Johnstone has concluded that Hillary intends regime change for
Russia and will use the presidency for that
is impossible to imagine a purpose more reckless and irresponsible.
Many members of the Russian government have stated that Washington’s
provocation and demonization of Russia have brought trust between the
nuclear powers close to zero and that Russia will never again fight a
war on her own territory. Sergey Karaganov told the German news
magazine, Der
that if Washington and NATO move from provocations to encroachments
against Russia, a nuclear power, they will be
foolish people believe that nuclear war cannot happen, because there
can be no winner. However, the American war planners, who elevated US
nuclear weapons from a retaliatory role to a pre-emptive first strike
function, obviously do not agree that nuclear war cannot be won. If
nuclear war is believed to be unwinable, there is no point in a war
doctrine that assigns the weapons the role of surprise attack.
Russians are aware and disturbed that Washington has made the
situation between the US and Russia more dangerous than during the
Cold War. Vladimir Putin himself has stated that the West does not
hear his warnings. In an effort to avoid war, Putin wrings everything
possible out of diplomacy. He enters into agreements with Washington
that he must know will not be kept.
much has happened to teach him this lesson— the Washington
instigated invasion of South Ossetia by Georgia while he was at the
Beijing Olympics, Washington’s coup in Ukraine while he was at the
Sochi Olympics, Washington’s abandonment of the Minsk Agreement,
the advantage Washington took of the Syrian ceasefire agreements, the
violation of Washington’s promise not to move NATO to Russia’s
border, Washington’s sacking of the Anti-ABM Treaty, the
orchestrated blame of Russia for MH-17, Hillary’s hacked emails,
clearly intends to use Russia’s military and diplomatic assistance
to Syria to convict Russia in world public opinion of war crimes. It
was Russia’s hesitancy in Syria that enabled Washington to recover
from the defeat of its ISIS mercenaries and substitute control of the
explanation for defeat on the ground.
air assault on ISIS in Syria caught Washington off guard and quickly
rolled up the Washington-supported ISIS forces, completely reversing
the tide of war. Had Russia finished the job, Syria would have been
cleared of hostile forces before Washington could catch its breath.
pressured by the Atlanticist Integrationist element in the Russian
elite, the Russian government withdrew, announcing mission
accomplished and relying on the Syrian Army to complete the job. This
strategic error allowed Washington not merely to replenish the ISIS
munitions that had been destroyed and to muster more mercenaries, but
more importantly to come up with a plan for Russia’s and Assad’s
the time that the Russian government realized that early withdrawal
was a mistake and re-entered the conflict, Washington had decided
that if Dasmacus could not be “liberated,” Syria could be
partitioned and pressure kept on Assad in that way. Yet the Russian
government continued to postpone victory by cease fire agreements
that Washington used to rearm ISIS and as propaganda weapons against
the outcome of the military conflict in Syria, Russia faces a war
criminal conviction by the Western media, if not by the UN Human
Rights Council, and a no-fly zone in Syria if Hillary becomes
president of the US.
is the huge cost that Putin paid for listening to the unrealistic,
American-worshipping Atlanticist Integrationists who are determined
that Russia be accepted by the West even if it means being a
semi-vassal. If there is nuclear war, the Russian Atlanticist
Integrationists will share the blame with the American
neoconservatives. And all of us will pay the price for the disaster
produced by these few, the neoconservatives demanding war and the
Atlanticist Integrationists demanding appeasement of Washington.
Nogmaals mensen, we moeten ons verenigen en een vuist maken tegen de machinaties van de VS, de NAVO (een verlengstuk en wapen van de VS), het militair-industrieel complex en onze lamme volksverlakkers in Rutte 2, voordat we geen vuist meer over hebben, immers als de oorlog met Rusland een feit is, zijn we in Nederland op zeker de klos!!
Zie ook: 'De VS en gelieerden begaan enorme oorlogsmisdaden, maar wijzen Rusland en Syrië als de daders aan!'
Zie ook: 'De VS en gelieerden begaan enorme oorlogsmisdaden, maar wijzen Rusland en Syrië als de daders aan!'
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