een mail die terug is te leiden naar het team van Elizabeth Warren
(Democratische Partij). Heb normaal gesproken weinig zin om berichten
van een politicus te plaatsen, zeker als e.e.a. kritiek is op Trump,
de zittende president, echter in dit geval maak ik een uitzondering
vanwege de inhoud.
heeft intussen al zoveel over het Coronavirus gezegd en 'getwitterd',
dat het zaak is deze meer dan achterlijke uitlatingen van deze
psychopathische massamoordenaar niet te vergeten, zeker nu meer dan
duidelijk is dat hij de Coronacrisis tot één van de onderwerpen van
zijn herverkiezingscampagne gebruikt...... De megalomane rotzak heeft
bedacht om de arme burgers in de VS $ 1,200.-- te geven en heeft de cheque
die deze mensen ontvangen laten voorzien van zijn handtekening..... En dan durft men in
de VS nog steeds naar Rusland te wijzen als land dat de verkiezingen
in de VS manipuleert..... (terwijl het juist de VS is dat al meer dan
100 jaar verkiezingen elders beïnvloed voor haar belangen in zo'n
bagatelliseerde Trump de toestand rond het Coronavirus, het zou een
griepje zijn waar de VS amper last van zou ondervinden, hij stelde
zelfs dat rond half maart de ellende van het Coronavirus al voorbij
zou zijn...... Toen de zaak toch 'iets anders' in elkaar bleek te
zitten, gaf hij de schuld voor de virus uitbraak aan China, waarbij
hij dit land ronduit demoniseerde en hij daarmee haat zaaide tegen VS
burgers met Oost-Aziatische wortels..... Nu durft hij het imbeciele
deel van zijn achterban wijs te maken dat wanneer zijn muur tussen de VS
en Mexico al was gebouwd, het virus de VS niet binnen zou zijn
gekomen..... Totaal belachelijk natuurlijk en ook daarmee zaait hij
haat, maar nu tegen VS burgers die wortels hebben in Latijns-Amerika.......
Een paar
dagen geleden nog liet Trump weten dat de VS binnenkort weer open
kan, ofwel: 'het moet afgelopen zijn met de sluiting van zaken en
industrieën', terwijl het aantal (ook dodelijke) slachtoffers in de
VS blijft stijgen......
heeft Trump meermaals een tirade gehouden tegen het stemmen per post,
belangrijk voor staten waar hij niet populair is en hij met zijn
handelen mensen de keus geeft het virus op te lopen door te stemmen,
of thuis te blijven en niet te gaan stemmen.....
In het
hieronder opgenomen schrijven worden een aantal punten opgevoerd, die
laten zien hoe bijzonder slecht Trump is in het handelen t.a.v. de
Hier een
paar van die punten:
wil absolute macht vanwege de Coronacrisis, anders gezegd: Trump
misbruikt de Coronacrisis om zich macht toe te eigenen die een
president alleen tijdens een wereldoorlog heeft..... Het congres is
voor het grootste deel 'in handen' van de Democraten en als zijn wil
tot absolute macht werkelijkheid zou worden , zal het congres buiten
werking worden gesteld.....
Dagelijks 'trakteert' Trump het volk op een briefing over de stand van zaken rond
de Coronacrisis en ook deze briefings misbruikt hij voor zijn
verkiezingscampagne...... Hoe bedoelt u, manipulatie van de
Het schrijven hieronder wordt elke week aangepast met de nieuwste blunders van Trump, onderaan in het schrijven vindt je een link naar het bericht van vorige week, zie daarvoor de volgende link You
can find last week's post here en in dat bericht kan je teruggaan naar de week daarvoor enz. enz.
Trump has made 356 false claims related to the coronavirus
Trump During COVID-19 [PFAW Update]
The Trump White House and its Republican allies seem determined to undermine subject matter experts at every turn, creating an intellectual vacuum that Trump attempts to fill with his political agenda rather than data and facts. The stories we’ve collected this week illustrate all this and create a stark picture of a president who is incapable of reining in his own temperament in order to do what’s best for this country and its people.
- One of Trump’s newest attempts to distract from his poor leadership during the novel coronavirus epidemic is to threaten, in his words, to exercise his “constitutional authority to adjourn both chambers of Congress” in order to push through judicial and executive branch appointments without Congressional approval. In addition to being a flagrant attempt to pack vital positions with Trumpist allies during a nationwide health emergency, this newest announcement is a fundamental challenge to the separation of powers – and is supported neither by the Constitution nor by legal precedent.
- This is far from the first time during this public health crisis that Trump has taken advantage of the nation’s turmoil to further special interests that he considers either important to his allies or to his campaign. Back in March, Trump tried to argue at a rally that the border wall with Mexico could have prevented the coronavirus, a claim for which there is no scientific evidence. This week, Trump took steps to weaken a rule forcing coal-fueled power plants to curtail their mercury emissions. The rule is a vital environmental protection that energy companies have been complaining about for years – and Trump is using this moment to make good on a pledge to these energy companies when he assumes few others are looking. Additionally, Trump has rejected an increase in air quality regulation standards, despite the mounting evidence that high levels of air pollution puts people at a higher risk for coronavirus.
- Even though each one of Trump’s daily coronavirus briefings is a publicity stunt, the briefing that took place on Monday was a particularly clear example of why networks are considering limiting or cutting their airing of these spectacles. Trump used this two-and-a-half-hour press conference as a venue to list grievances against critics and to tout his own propaganda, including airing a bizarre anti-media campaign video.
- Trump’s spat with state leaders continued unabated this week, with disagreements ranging from how to address election security to the amount of testing needed before beginning to even consider reopening the economy. Governors nationwide, including Republicans, have begun vocally supporting expanding vote-by-mail initiatives and support structures in advance of the general election, a safety measure that Trump continues to denigrate. Then, after two regional groups of governors announced that they were starting to create plans for eventually easing coronavirus-related restrictions, Trump claimed that his “authority is total” with regard to deciding when, how, and if the restrictions should be eased. A number of his usual Republican allies (including Sen. Marco Rubio and Rep. Liz Cheney) sharply criticized him for that comment. Later, Trump walked back his position, saying that governors would “call [their] own shots” on plans to reopen.
- Relatedly, Trump’s growing insistence that he will be “reopening the country” on May 1 has resulted in the White House strategizing to find ways to shift blame from the president if and when greater numbers of people die because social distancing initiatives are lifted too soon. The strategy, according to reports, includes attempting to enlist prominent business leaders and other authorities in support of reopening, so any responsibility for negative consequences is widely shared.
- One focus of Trump’s complaints this month has been the World Health Organization, and this week he made good on last week’s threat to revoke W.H.O.’s funding. Although he praised W.H.O. in February, the organization of health experts has become one of Trump’s favorite scapegoats as he has sought to diffuse blame for his bad leadership during the epidemic.
- Although the GOP is still united behind trying to retain power through Trump’s reelection in November, fractures are starting to show between party members over coronavirus responses. Republican governors and members of Congress are beginning to outwardly disagree with Trump’s calls to reopen the country at the start of next month, with even Trump’s staunchest ally, Speaker Mitch McConnell, flatly contradicting Trump’s recent statement about his being able to adjourn Congress.
- Trump’s normally reliable allies in the business community have begun to push back against his recent actions, particularly his moves towards prematurely opening the economy. On a call designed to curry favor with and establish his alliance with business leaders, Trump received significant skepticism and pushback for his overly aggressive timeline, making it seem unlikely that they will back him should he go forward with removing federal social distancing guidelines by May 1.
- In an especially self-serving move that wasted valuable time in getting relief to millions, Trump made a deal with Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin to have his name printed on the coronavirus stimulus checks being sent to Americans, despite the fact that the president can’t be an official signer on Treasury Department checks. The Internal Revenue Service team in charge of dispensing the checks has had to race to print Trump’s name on the memo line, so Trump can use relief allocated by Congress as a campaign tool.
- To conclude this
week’s list, we’re going to leave you with the fact that since
the first confirmed case of COVID-19 in the United States on January
20 through April 3, Trump
has made 356 false claims related to the coronavirus.
And in the two weeks since that date, which was also the date of
series’ first post, that number has only continued to grow.
The limited actions Trump has actually taken to address the
coronavirus crisis have been too
few, too late; a new report suggests that had the U.S. acted to
increase testing capacity nationwide two weeks earlier than he did,
deaths could have been reduced tenfold.
The Falsehoods and Failures series will appear every Friday on our blog. You can find last week's post here. For ongoing coverage of Trump and the Right Wing's response to the coronavirus, check out PFAW's Right Wing Watch.
Thanks as always for your ongoing support – stay safe and stay healthy!
- Sarah, PFAW
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