Geen evolutie en ecolutie zonder revolutie!

Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.

dinsdag 23 februari 2016

'Perstituees' aan het werk, ofwel de reguliere westerse afhankelijke media van dag tot dag.....

Het volgende artikel vond ik afgelopen zaterdag op de site van Stan van Houcke. In dit artikel legt Paul Craig Roberts uit, hoe de media in de VS de werkelijkheid bij voortduring geweld aan doen en met hun berichtgeving de uitermate agressieve buitenlandpolitiek van de VS van publieke steun voorzien....... Dit doet men middels het constant herhalen van grove leugens (een vorm van hersenspoelen) in de politiek en de media, zoals bij de illegale oorlog die de VS voerde in Irak, Libië  en nu voert in Syrië.... Wat betreft Libie: daar is de VS weer begonnen met bombarderen, het werk, Libië onbewoonbaar maken, heeft nog een klein zetje nodig!!

Uiteraard is dit dezelfde werkwijze, die de reguliere media organen hier hanteren, al wordt hier niet alleen de Nederlandse overheid van hand en (leugen) spandiensten voorzien, maar evenredig de buitenlandpolitiek van de VS. Al moet ik hier wel bij opmerken, dat bijvoorbeeld de Nederlandse buitenlandpolitiek een doorgeefluik is van het buitenlandbeleid, dat de VS voert........*

Presstitutes At Work — Paul Craig Roberts

February 19, 2016 | Categories: Articles & Columns | Tags: |  Print This Article

Presstitutes At Work

Paul Craig Roberts

This morning I was stuck in front of a Fox “News” broadcast for a short period and then with a NPR news program. It was enough to convince me that Nazi propaganda during Hitler’s Third Reich was very mild compared to the constant stream of dangerous lies that are pumped out constantly by the American media. 

The New York Times, Washington Post, and a couple of think-tank types were represented on NPR. They delivered the most crude propaganda imaginable and questioned no US government statement. 

Did you know that all the trouble in Syria is due to the Russians and Assad? The US has no blame whatsoever. The US is trying to fight ISIS (which the US created, aids and abets), but the evil Russians and Assad are fighting the innocent “democratic rebels” who are trying to bring democracy to Syria as a replacement for a “brutal dictator” (elected by a large majority vote). The Russians are also bombing schools and hospitals, “collateral damage” when the US does it but war crimes when the Russians are accused of doing it. The accusers had no evidence for their accusations against Russia beyond the unverified claims of the US government. Despite nonexistent Iraqi “weapons of mass destruction,” nonexistent Iranian nukes, and nonexistent use of chemical weapons by Assad “against his own people,” the talking heads continue to accept without question whatever the US government says. I was especially disappointed in Karen DeYoung. As a young reporter she aggressively covered the neoconservatives’ misadventures in Nicaguara. However, to become the Washington Post’s senior foreign affairs reporter she had to give up and join the presstitutes.

Did you know that China was militarizing the South China Sea by building up atolls to accommodate runways and by placing weapons on the site? It is not militarization when the “exceptional country” allocates 60% of its large fleet to the Pacific, declares the South China Sea, which is thousands of miles from America, to be an area of “American national interest,” and sends warships to patrol the sea. That’s simply “countering the Chinese threat.”

Did you know that the clamor by the British people for UK exit from the European Union has nothing to do with perserving UK national sovereignty and the legal protections of British civil liberty? It is all to do with rejecting refugees, a sign of racism.

Fox “News” informed us that due to his great service to our nation, Justice Antonin Scalia was lying in state in the Supreme Court to be paid homage by both the government representatives and public victims of the police state of which he was an architect. Under Republican leadership the Supreme Court has helped the executive branch elevate its authority above that of the US Constitution, refusing to even hear challenges to indefinite detention. Among Scalia’s accomplishments are:

Stopping the Florida vote recount in order to install George W. Bush as President

Kentucky v. King: police should have greater leeway to break into homes without a warrant

Florence v. Burlington: allowing jail officials freedom of action is more important
than protecting American citizens from debasing strip searches. 

Like the Supreme Court the presstitutes have aligned themselves with the rich and powerful. Fox “News” reported that Marco Rubio, a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, declared that to make the poor rich requires making the rich poor and we shouldn’t make the rich poor. Apparently, Fox “News” believes that aligning Rubio with the One Percent is helpful to his political career. Fox showed Rubio’s audience cheering and applauding his defense of the One Percent. 

This is “democratic America” where the people have no representation.

* Uiteraard geldt dit niet alleen voor het buitenland beleid van de VS, maar voor veel andere zaken, neem de neoliberale flexibilisering van de arbeidsmarkt (lees: het verminderen van de inkomens die al onder modaal niveau liggen), het afbreken van de arbeidsvoorwaarden en de sloop van het arbeidsrecht...).........

Zie ook: 'Westerse bemoeienis met Syrië en de anti-Russische propaganda leugens (in de media).........'

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